§ 78-60. Collection of past due impact fees.  

Latest version.
  • In the event that the water and/or wastewater impact fee, or any portion thereof, is not paid when due for any reason, including by mistake or inadvertence, the city may proceed to collect the impact fee as follows:


    The city shall serve, by certified mail, return receipt requested, an impact fee statement notice upon the applicant at the address set forth in the application for the building permit, and the owner at the address appearing on the most recent records maintained by the property appraiser of the county. Service of the impact fees statement notice shall be deemed notice of the impact fees due and service shall be deemed effective on the date the return receipt indicates the notice was received by either the applicant or the owner or the date said notice was attached to the building permit, whichever occurs first.


    The impact fee statement notice shall contain a description of the property and shall advise the applicant and the owner as follows:


    The amount due and the general purpose for which the impact fee was imposed.


    That a hearing before the city commission to challenge the impact fee assessed may be requested within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the impact fee statement notice, by filing a written application to the office of the city manager. The written application shall state with specificity the basis of the challenge.


    That the impact fee shall be delinquent if not paid and received by the city within 30 calendar days of the date the impact fee statement notice, or if a hearing is not requested pursuant to subsection (2)ii. above and, upon becoming delinquent, shall be subject to the imposition of a delinquent fee and interest on the unpaid amount until paid.


    That in the event the impact fee becomes delinquent, a lien against the applicable property for which the building permit was secured shall be recorded in the official records book of the county.


    The impact fee shall be delinquent if, within 30 calendar days from the date of the impact fee statement notice, or the date said notice was attached to the building permit, neither the impact fees have been paid and received by the city, nor a hearing requested pursuant to subsection (2)(ii) above. In the event a hearing is requested pursuant to subsection (2)(ii), the impact fees shall become delinquent if not paid within 30 calendar days from the date the city commission determines the amount of impact fees due upon the conclusion of such hearing. Said time periods shall be calculated on a calendar day basis, including Sundays and legal holidays, but excluding the date of said impact fee statement notice or the hearing date of the city commission's decision in the event of an appeal. In the event the last day falls on a Sunday or legal holiday, the last due date prior to becoming delinquent shall be the next business day. Upon becoming delinquent, a delinquency fee equal to ten percent of the total impact fee imposed shall be assessed. Such total impact fee, plus delinquency fee, shall bear interest at the statutory rate for final judgments calculated on a calendar day basis, until paid.


    Should the impact fee become delinquent, the city shall serve, by certified mail, return receipt requested, a "notice of lien" upon the delinquent applicant at the address indicated in the application for the building permit, and upon the delinquent owner at the address appearing on the most recent records maintained by the property appraiser of the county. The notice of lien shall notify the delinquent applicant and owner that due to their failure to pay the impact fee, the city shall record a claim of lien in the official public records of the county.


    Upon mailing of the notice of lien, the city attorney shall cause the recording of a claim of lien in the official public records of the county. The claim of lien shall describe the property, the amount of the delinquent impact fees and the date of their imposition. Once recorded, the claim of lien shall constitute a lien against the property described therein. The city attorney shall proceed expeditiously to collect or otherwise enforce said lien.


    After the expiration of three months from the date of recording of the claim of lien, a suit may be filed to foreclose said lien. Such foreclosure proceedings shall be instituted, conducted and enforced in conformity with the procedures for the foreclosure of municipal special assessment liens, as set forth in F.S. §§ 173.04 through 173.12, inclusive, which provisions are hereby incorporated herein in their entirety to the same extent as if such provisions were set forth herein verbatim.


    The liens for delinquent impact fees imposed hereunder shall remain liens, coequal with the liens of all state, county, district and municipal taxes, superior in priority to all other recorded liens and claims whether recorded prior to or after the city's lien, except as otherwise provided by law, until paid as provided herein.


    The applicant and owner shall be responsible for and the city shall be entitled to reimbursement for the payment of all administrative expenses and costs, including attorney's fees and litigation costs and recording and filing fees, incurred by the city in the collection of impact fees, filing of liens and in actions to foreclose such liens or actions for a monetary judgment.


    The applicant and owner shall be jointly and severally liable to the city for unpaid impact fees. The city may take any and all actions at law or in equity to collect unpaid impact fees from the applicant and owner, including but not limited to, the city withholding issuance of subsequent permits sought by applicant and/or owner until the impact fees are paid.


    The collection and enforcement procedures set forth in this section shall be cumulative with, supplemental to and in addition to, any applicable procedures provided in any other ordinance or administrative regulations of the city or any applicable law or administrative regulation of the state. Failure of the city to follow the procedure set forth in this section shall not constitute a waiver of its rights to proceed under any other ordinances or administrative regulations of the city or any applicable law or administrative regulation of the state.

(Ord. No. 11-02, § III, 1-13-11)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 11-02, § III, adopted January 13, 2011, amended § 78-60 in its entirety to read as herein set out. Former § 78-60, pertained to determination of equivalent residential unit factors, and derived from Ord. No. 01-23, § 1, 5-10-01.