§ 78-26. Definitions.
§ 78-27. Water and sanitary sewer systems established as public utility.
§ 78-28. Public services department created.
§ 78-29. Separate records.
§ 78-30. Connection with water and sewer systems required.
§ 78-31. Connections made by the city.
§ 78-32. Cross connection with private water supply.
§ 78-33. Dual system of pipes required on property where water furnished by city and by private supply.
§ 78-34. Location and construction of tanks into which city water is discharged.
§ 78-35. Reserved.
§ 78-36. Tampering with city property; furnishing water to other persons.
§ 78-37. Privately owned wells.
§ 78-38. Service outside corporate limits.
§ 78-39. Installation and use of septic tanks.
§ 78-40. User's responsibility to keep sewer clean, provide cleanout plugs.
§ 78-41. Pretreatment requirement for extreme waste.
§ 78-42. Connection for any nonsanitary waste.
§ 78-43. Disposal of waste petroleum products.
§ 78-44. Penalty for violation of article; right to discontinue service.
§ 78-45. Agreements in violation of article.
§ 78-46. One service to each premises; application; contractual relation.
§ 78-47. Contracts and release, waiver of liability and indemnification.
§ 78-48. Termination of contract.
§ 78-49. Water pressure not guaranteed; right of city to turn off water; fee for restoration of water; authority to disconnect; city's liability for loss of water.
§ 78-50. Schedule of deposits; refund.
§ 78-51. Water and sewer connection charges and other utility charges.
§ 78-52. Water meters; stopcock and waste cock or cutoff valve required; exemption; right of access.
§ 78-53. Responsibility for damages by hot water heaters or steam boilers.
§ 78-54. Private fire hydrants, sprinkler systems, hose racks.
§ 78-55. Basic rate schedule for water and sewer service.
§ 78-56. Service charges to be paid by the city.
§ 78-57. Charges for water on separate meter used for irrigation only.
§ 78-58. Billing; payment; delinquent bills; transfer of delinquent bills from one location to another.
§ 78-59. Water and wastewater impact fees.
§ 78-60. Collection of past due impact fees.
§ 78-61. Impact fee protest and appeals.
§ 78-62. Administrative rules and policies.