§ 78-243. Reclaimed water rates and charges.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Connection charges. The connection charges for reclaimed water service will consist of the tap fee and meter set fee for metered connections.


    Tap fee. The reclaimed water tap fee shall be as follows:

    Reclaimed water service size Rate
    ¾″ $ 542.95
    1.0″ $ 709.16
    2.0″ $1,362.92



    Backflow devices shall be installed and maintained by the customer on the potable water services as required by City Code of Ordinances, chapter 78, article V, cross connection control.


    Meter set fee. The meter set fee shall be as follows:

    Reclaimed water service size Rate
    ¾″ $277.02
    1.0″ $354.58
    2.0″ $786.73


    All reclaimed water connections larger than two inches or involving potable water service larger than two inches will be charged for at actual cost plus 20 percent. The connection charge shall be waived for development activities that will furnish and install taps in accordance with this article.


    Reuse charges. The following shall be the schedule of monthly rates and charges for reuse provided by the city:


    A minimum monthly charge of $4.58 which will include 10,000 gallons of reuse.


    A charge of $0.60 for each 1,000 gallons over 10,000 gallons of reuse.

    Monthly Service Charge by Rate Class and Meter Size

    Residential single family 5/8 ″ × ¾″ meter $ 6.18
    Residential multifamily 5/8 ″ × ¾″ meter $ 6.18
    General service or commercial 5/8 ″ × ¾″ meter $ 6.18
    General service or commercial 1″ meter $15.43
    General service or commercial 2″ meter $49.39
    General service or commercial 3″ meter $92.60


    Usage Volume Charges by Meter Size
    and Consumption

    Residential single family 5/8 ″ × ¾″ and 1″ meters


    Usage per 1,000 Gallons

    0—5,000 $ 1.2730
    5,001—25,000 $ 1.5339
    25,001 and above $ 1.8840
    Residential multi-family
    General service or commercial 5/6 ″ × ¾″ meter


    Usage per 1,000 Gallons

    0—5,000 $ 1.2730
    5,001—25,000 $ 1.5339
    25,001 and Above $ 1.8840
    Residential multi-family
    General service or commercial 1″ meter


    Usage per 1,000 Gallons

    0—12,500 $ 1.2730
    12,501—62,500 $ 1.5339
    62,501 and above $ 1.8840
    Residential multifamily
    General service or commercial 2″ meter


    Usage per 1,000 Gallons

    0—40,000 $ 1.2730
    40,001—200,000 $ 1.5339
    201,000 and above $ 1.8840
    Residential multi-family
    General service or commercial 3″ meter


    Usage per 1,000 Gallons

    0—75,000 $ 1.2730
    75,001—375,000 $ 1.5339
    375,001 and above $ 1.8840



    Consumptive use rate for contract and bulk users will be based upon 100,000 gallons or greater per day, at a rate of $1.18 per 1,000 gallons.


    Contracts for bulk users shall be defined as another public entity.


    The City Manager or his/her designee may adjust or waive reuse charges to bulk users willing to take reuse for storage at the request of the City.


    A customer whose service has been discontinued may resume reclaimed water service by payment of past due amounts and a reconnection fee of $25.00; provided, however, that where service has been discontinued for violation of the policies and regulations relating to the use of the reclaimed water system, service will not be reconnected until the city receives, in its opinion, reasonable and sufficient guaranty that the violation will not reoccur.


    Where these rates and charges result in inequitable and/or undue hardship on the property owner, the director shall have the authority to adjust the rates and charges based upon the following considerations:


    Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings similarly situated.


    The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the property owner.


    Making the adjustment will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of these regulations and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare.


    The decision of the director to grant or deny a rate adjustment shall be deemed final unless a request for review by the city manager is filed by the aggrieved party with the city clerk within 15 days from the date of such decision. The city manager may either affirm, modify or reverse the decision, and such action by the city manager shall be considered final administrative action. Unless the aggrieved party files an appeal to the city commission with the city clerk within 15 days of such decision. In which instance, the action of the city commission shall constitute final administrative action.


    Rate adjustments. The rates and charges by class for the use and availability of the city's reclaimed water system inside or outside the city may be adjusted annually by the city commission by modification of the charges provided herein by resolution or by a price index escalator adopted by resolution or by both.

(Ord. No. 01-52, § 2, 7-26-01; Ord. No. 08-39, § 2, 10-9-08)