§ 78-242. Reclaimed water user classification and requirements.  

Latest version.
  • There is hereby established a uniform classification of water users classifications and requirements as follows:


    Class A—Detached single-family residential units.


    Meters are required.


    Customer's on-site system requirements. The customer's on-site system may be either a standard in-ground landscape irrigation system with a specially designed lockable in-ground control box or a specially designed lockable hose bibb box containing one hose bibb to be used to irrigate the property by means of garden hoses or portable sprinklers. The in-ground system may be controlled either by a manually operated zone valve or automatically by a timer and related zone valve. If the customer elects to use the in-ground lockable hose bibb box, it will be supplied and installed by the city and the cost borne by the customer. The box may be installed anywhere along the property frontage on the property side of the sidewalk in location approved by the city, and will be equipped with a special locking device to provide the customer the capability to control the use of reclaimed water on his/her property. The lid of the hose bibb box will be clearly marked "Reclaimed Water". The service connection shall contain a tag stating "Irrigation—Reclaimed Water—Do Not Drink". The city will provide a quick disconnect device to be installed by the city, on the customer's five-eighths inch garden hose. The hose containing the device must be used for connection to the reclaimed water system only. Unless otherwise permitted by FDEP regulations, above ground hose bibbs on the reclaimed system are not allowed.


    Backflow prevention. Backflow prevention assemblies or devices will not be required on a single-family reclaimed water service with either a lockable in-ground bibb connection or an in-ground irrigation system which is connected to the reclaimed system through a lockable control in-ground box. However, the city does require that a backflow prevention assembly (RPBA) be installed on the reclaimed service of a single-family irrigation service connection when a chemical injection system or other special hazard is proposed or detected. The homeowner will be required to maintain the RPBA assembly in these situations. Where a backflow prevention assembly has been installed on an irrigation service connection to the potable water system, that assembly may be eliminated by city personnel (or city contractor) when the reclaimed system replaces the potable service connection. The degree of hazard, as determined by the director, of the existing irrigation system will be a determining factor in deciding whether the assembly must remain on the irrigation system to the reclaimed service connection. The homeowner will be required to maintain the assembly in these situations. If the assembly is eliminated it remains the property of the homeowner. Backflow prevention assemblies are required to be installed on the potable service. The homeowner will be required to maintain the backflow assemblies.


    Class AM—Multifamily residential facilities.


    Master meter required.


    Customer's on-site system requirements. The customer's on-site system for these types of development may be a standard in-ground landscape irrigation system. The city prefers that the system be zoned and controlled by timer. Low trajectory or drip-type systems are recommended; however, they are not mandatory. Signs as approved by the city shall be placed in conspicuous locations within the landscaped areas of the development. They shall read "Irrigation with Reclaimed Water, Do Not Drink". If the owner or manager of these types of developments permit or cause vehicles to be washed on the property, a special area shall be set aside for that purpose and it shall be served by one or more lockable in-ground hose bibb boxes connected to the on-site reclaimed water system. The hose bibb rack shall be clearly marked and readily visible with at least one sign stating "Auto Washing, Reclaimed Water, Do Not Drink".


    Backflow prevention. Backflow prevention assemblies will not be required on a multi-family reclaimed irrigation service connection except where a chemical injection system or other special hazard is proposed or detected. Where a backflow prevention assembly has been installed on an irrigation system connected to the potable water system, that assembly may be eliminated by city personnel (or city contractor) when the potable service connection is changed to a reclaimed service connection. Whether the use of the assembly must be continued will depend upon the degree of hazard associated with the existing irrigation system as determined by the director. If the assembly is eliminated it remains the property of the facility owner. The property owner of multi-family units is responsible for maintaining all backflow prevention assemblies on the reclaimed system. Backflow prevention assemblies are required to be installed on the potable service. The homeowner will be required to maintain the backflow assemblies.


    Class B—Office, commercial, public, industrial, and warehousing facilities.


    Meter required.


    Customer's on-site system requirements. The customer's on-site system for these types of developments may be a standard in-ground landscape irrigation system. The city prefers that the system be zoned and controlled by timer. Low trajectory or drip-type systems are recommended; however, they are not mandatory. Signs as approved by the city shall be placed in conspicuous locations within the landscaped areas of the development. They shall read "Irrigation with Reclaimed Water, Do Not Drink". If the owner or manager of these types of developments permit or cause vehicles to be washed on the property, a special area shall be set aside for that purpose and it shall be served by one or more lockable in-ground hose bibb boxes connected to the on-site reclaimed water system. The hose bibb rack shall be clearly marked and readily visible with at least one sign stating "Auto Washing, Reclaimed Water, Do Not Drink".


    Backflow prevention. Backflow prevention assemblies will not be required on a commercial reclaimed irrigation service connection except where a chemical injection system or other special hazard is proposed or detected. Where a backflow prevention assembly has been installed on an irrigation system connected to the potable water system, that assembly may be eliminated by city personnel (or city contractor) when the potable service connection is changed to a reclaimed service connection. Whether the use of the assembly must be continued will depend upon the degree of hazard associated with the existing irrigation system as determined by the director. If the assembly is eliminated it remains the property of the facility owner. The property owner of a commercial facility is responsible for maintaining all backflow prevention assemblies on the reclaimed system. Backflow prevention assemblies will not be required on an in-ground lockable hose connection serving a low hazard commercial property. However, the city will require the installation of a dual check valve backflow prevention device, as a minimum, on the potable service connection when reclaimed water is delivered to the property, with a service connection.


    The following requirements apply to all customer facilities regardless of user classification:


    Cross connections prohibited; use of reclaimed water. Cross connection of the reclaimed water system with other sources of water or use of reclaimed water for potable purposes is prohibited. No person shall construct, operate, maintain, or allow to remain present on property owned or controlled by such person any system or device which is not in compliance with all provisions of this article, article V, chapter 78, City Code of Ordinances, cross connection control, and FDEP regulations related to reclaimed water and with all procedures and regulations promulgated pursuant to this article. The person who owns or controls the property upon which such a noncomplying device or system is found shall be liable to the city for the amount by which the costs associated with the securing and removal of the noncomplying device or system exceeds the cost of normal discontinuance of service. These excess costs shall constitute a lien against the property upon which the noncomplying device or system is located.


    Cross connection control program. The director shall be the designee for the cross connection control program. He/she shall be responsible for the administration of the cross connection control program, including training of personnel.


    Irrigation. All irrigation with reclaimed water shall be conducted using permanently installed irrigation systems consisting of large droplet, low-trajectory spray heads, using underground irrigation, or by other means which are approved by the city.


    Compliance with applicable regulations. The reclaimed water facilities installed on the customer's property shall comply with applicable city, county, and state rules and regulations.


    Reclaimed water shall not be directed, conveyed, or piped into any residence or building used as a dwelling unit.


    All users of reclaimed water must properly maintain the reclaimed water system on their property. This specifically includes the isolation valve. Failure to keep the system in repair is subject to the enforcement procedures established pursuant to this article.


    Property service connections (service lines) shall be as required by the property served, but in no case shall be less than one inch in diameter. Each service connection shall be equipped with a lockable corporation stop or shutoff valve at the main and a curb stop, meter, shutoff valve and box at the property line. The city's valve box cover at the property line shall be marked "Reclaimed Water." This service connection, together with its valves, box, and meter is the property of the city. The customer may install his/her own shutoff valve immediately inside his/her property line for his/her own use. Two or more customers may be served by one service connection, but metered separately, if sufficient capacity is available. Such common service lines will be sized to provide adequate supply to each customer.


    Authority to perform; title to property. Tapping of all existing reclaimed water mains and installation of service lines from the mains to the service connection shall be done by the city. Title to all service lines from the main to the service connection is vested in the city, and the same shall at all times be the sole property of the city, and shall not be trespassed upon or interfered with in any respect. Such property shall be maintained by the city and may be removed or changed by it at any time. The customer shall give to the city the perpetual right to install, operate, and maintain the service line and point of connection if located on privately owned property, as a precondition of receiving reclaimed water service from the city.


    Furnishing equipment; charge. The city shall furnish and install equipment for reclaimed water service and may charge for such furnishing and installation according to a schedule of fees provided herein and amendments thereto. All charges, according to the schedule, shall be paid when applying for service.


    Shutoff valve. Every service line shall be provided by the customer with an easily accessible and fully protected shutoff valve on the discharge side of the service connection.


    Liability for escaping water. The city shall not be responsible for maintenance of or for damage caused by water escaping from the service pipe or any other pipe or fixture on the outlet side of the service connection.


    Liability for service. The liability of the customer shall begin on the day the customer's line is connected to the city's service line and shall continue thereafter unless disconnected for non-payment or other cause or until written notice is given the city by the customer to terminate the service.

(Ord. No. 01-52, § 2, 7-26-01)