§ 78-54. Private fire hydrants, sprinkler systems, hose racks.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Fire hydrants, fire sprinkler systems or hose racks may be established on private property by the owner thereof at his own cost for equipment, pipes, valves, fittings and connections to water mains, etc., provided such shall be done under the supervision and subject to the inspection of and in accordance with the requirements of the water and fire departments. The maintenance of such mains, valves and hydrants shall be at the cost and expense of the owner of the property. The regular established rate for such connection for such fire hydrants, fire sprinkler systems and hose racks shall be paid, and if not, such shall be disconnected from the water system by the public services department.


    Any person establishing fire hydrants, fire sprinkler systems or hose racks shall have the right to have such connected with the city's water system and have installed and maintained at his own cost by the public services department a water meter and to pay therefor the regularly established charge for water service as listed in the published rates, whether water has been used for fire or any other purpose. No fixture whatsoever, other than fire hydrants, sprinkler connections and hose racks, used for fire only, shall be connected on such fire lines.


    The city guarantees no certain water pressure and shall not in any way be liable or responsible to any person whomsoever, in case of fire, for any damage that may result from any alleged insufficiency of such fire protection, either from want of pressure or volume, accessibility or for any other cause.


    The service charge for fire sprinkler systems, within or without the city, not metered, is prescribed and fixed as follows: $45.00 per year for each sprinkler connection up to four inches within the city; $91.00 per year for each four-inch sprinkler system connection within the city; $114.00 per year for each four-inch sprinkler system connection outside the city limits; $136.00 per year for each six-inch sprinkler system connection within the city; $170.00 per year for each six-inch sprinkler system connection outside the city limits; $182.00 per year for each eight-inch sprinkler system connection inside the city limits; and $228.00 per year for each eight-inch sprinkler system connection outside the city limits. Each of these charges shall be made payable annually in advance on August 1 to the city public services department. No water is to be used from sprinkler systems at any point on the line except for fire, nor are any fixtures whatsoever to be connected to such fire line.


    The service charge for fire hydrants which are the property of the city and located on private property within or without the city, which are utilized for fire protection is prescribed and fixed as follows: Within the city, $65.00 per year per hydrant; streets outside the city not metered, $82.00 per year per hydrant, payable annually on or about August 1, to the public services department. No water is to be used from fire hydrants or from the service line on which they are situated, unless metered, except for fire, nor are any other fixtures whatsoever to be connected to such fire line. If the fire hydrant is metered as approved by the city, for the provision of water service, exclusive of fire, all applicable commercial rates in accordance with this ordinance shall apply.


    Hose racks on private property within or without the city, connected to city mains not metered, shall have a service charge of $35.00 per year per hose rack located within the city and $44.00 per year per hose rack located outside the city, payable annually in advance on August 1. No water shall be used from such hose rack or from the line upon which it is situated, unless metered, except for a fire, nor are any other fixtures whatsoever to be connected to such fire line.

    (Code 1988, § 22-44; Ord. No. 99-64, § 1, 1-13-00; Ord. No. 11-02, § VI, 1-13-11)
