§ 54-215. Supplemental benefit component for special benefits; chapters 175 and 185 share accounts.

Latest version.
  • There is hereby established an additional plan component to provide special benefits to members in the form of a supplemental retirement, termination, death and disability benefit to be in addition to the benefits provided for in the previous sections of this plan, such benefit to be funded solely and entirely by F.S. chs. 175 and 185, premium tax monies for each plan year which are allocated to this supplemental component as provided for in F.S. §§ 175.351 and 185.35. Amounts allocated to this supplemental component ("share plan"), if any, shall be further allocated to the members and DROP participants as follows:


    Individual member share accounts. The board shall create individual "member share accounts" for all actively employed plan members and DROP participants and maintain appropriate books and records showing the respective interest of each eligible member or DROP participant hereunder. Each member or DROP participant shall have a member share account for his share of the F.S. ch. 175 or 185 tax revenues described above, forfeitures and income and expense adjustments relating thereto. The board shall maintain separate member share accounts, however, the maintenance of separate accounts is for accounting purposes only and a segregation of the assets of the trust fund to each account shall not be required or permitted.


    Share account funding.


    Individual member share accounts shall be established as of September 30, 2016 for all members and DROP participants who were actively employed as of October 1, 2015. Individual member share accounts shall be credited with an allocation as provided for in the following subsection (c) of any premium tax monies which have been allocated to the share plan for that plan year, beginning with the plan year ending September 30, 2016.


    Any forfeitures as provided in subsection (d), shall be used as part of future allocations to the individual member share accounts in accordance with the formula set forth in subsection (c)(1).


    Allocation of monies to share accounts.


    Allocation of chapters 175 and 185 contributions.


    Effective as of September 30, 2016, the amount of any premium tax monies allocated to the share plan shall be allocated to individual member share accounts as provided for in this subsection. Members retiring on or after October 1, 2015 and prior to September 30, 2016 shall receive an allocation. In addition, all premium tax monies allocated to the share plan in any subsequent plan year shall also be allocated as provided for in this subsection. Available premium tax monies shall be allocated to individual member share accounts at the end of each plan year on September 30 (a "valuation date").


    On each valuation date, each current actively employed member of the plan not participating in the DROP, each DROP participant and each retiree who retires or DROP participant who has terminated DROP participation in the plan year ending on the valuation date (including each disability retiree), or beneficiary of a deceased member (not including terminated vested persons) who is otherwise eligible for an allocation as of the valuation date shall receive a share allocation as follows.


    The total funds subject to allocation on each valuation date shall be allocated to each member share account of those eligible for an allocation in an amount equal to a fraction of the total amount, the numerator of which shall be the individual's total years and fractional parts of years of credited service as of the valuation date, and the denominator of which shall be the sum of the total years and fractional parts of years of credited service as of the valuation date of all individuals to whom allocations are being made. Beneficiaries shall receive an allocation based on the years of credited service of the deceased member or DROP participant.


    Re-employed retirees shall be deemed new employees and shall receive an allocation based solely on the credited service in the reemployment period.


    Allocation of investment gains and losses. On each valuation date, each individual member share account shall be adjusted to reflect the net earnings or losses resulting from investments during the year. The net earnings or losses allocated to the individual member share accounts shall be the same percentage which is earned or lost by the total plan investments, including realized and unrealized gains or losses, net of brokerage commissions, transaction costs and management fees.

    Net earnings or losses are determined as of the last business day of the fiscal year, which is the valuation date, and are debited or credited as of such date.

    For purposes of calculating net earnings or losses on a member's share account pursuant to this subsection, brokerage commissions, transaction costs, and management fees for the immediately preceding fiscal year shall be determined for each year by the investment consultant pursuant to contracts with fund managers as reported in the custodial statement. The investment consultant shall report these annual contractual fees to the board. The investment consultant shall also report the net investment return for each manager and the net investment return for the total plan assets.


    Allocation of costs, fees and expenses. On each valuation date, each individual member share account shall be adjusted to allocate its pro rata share of the costs, fees and expenses of administration of the share plan. These fees shall be allocated to each individual member share account on a proportionate basis taking the costs, fees and expenses of administration of the share plan as a whole multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the total assets in each individual member share account (after adding the annual investment gain or loss) and the denominator of which is the total assets of the fund as a whole as of the same date.


    No right to allocation. The fact of allocation or credit of an allocation to a member's share account by the board shall not vest in any member, any right, title, or interest in the assets of the trust or in the chapter 175 or 185 tax revenues except at the time or times, to the extent, and subject to the terms and conditions provided in this section.


    Members and DROP participants shall be provided annual statements setting forth their share account balance as of the end of the plan year.


    Forfeitures. Any member who has less than six years of service credit and who is not otherwise eligible for payment of benefits after termination of employment with the city as provided for in subsection (e) shall forfeit his individual member share account or the nonvested portion thereof. Forfeited amounts shall be included and used as part of the chapter 175 or 185 tax revenues for future allocations to individual member share accounts on each valuation date in accordance with the formula set forth in subsection (c)(1).


    Eligibility for benefits. Any member (or his beneficiary) who terminates employment as a firefighter or police officer with the city or who dies, upon application filed with the board, shall be entitled to be paid the value of his individual member share account, subject to the following criteria:


    Retirement benefit.


    A member shall be entitled to 100 percent of the value of his share account upon normal or early retirement pursuant to section 54-191, or if the member enters the DROP, upon termination of employment.


    Such payment shall be made as provided in subsection (f).


    Termination benefit.


    In the event that a member's employment as a firefighter or police officer is terminated by reason other than retirement, death or disability, he shall be entitled to receive the value of his share account only if he is vested in accordance with section 54-194.


    Such payment shall be made as provided in subsection (f).


    Disability benefit.


    In the event that a member is determined to be eligible for either an in-line of duty disability benefit pursuant to section 54-193, subsection (a) or a not-in-line of duty disability benefit pursuant to section 54-193, subsection (c), he shall be entitled to 100 percent of the value of his share account.


    Such payment shall be made as provided in subsection (f)(4), death benefit.


    Death benefit.


    In the event that a member or DROP participant dies while actively employed as a firefighter or police officer, 100 percent of the value of his member share account shall be paid to his designated beneficiary as provided in section 54-192.


    Such payment shall be made as provided in subsection (f).


    Payment of benefits. If a member or DROP participant terminates employment for any reason or dies and he or his beneficiary is otherwise entitled to receive the balance in the member's share account, the member's share account shall be valued by the plan's actuary on the next valuation date as provided for in subsection (c) above, following termination of employment. Payment of the calculated share account balance shall be payable as soon as administratively practicable following the valuation date, but not later than 150 days following the valuation date and shall be paid in one lump sum payment. No optional forms of payments shall be permitted.


    Benefits Not Guaranteed. All benefits payable under this section 54-215 shall be paid only from the assets accounted for in individual member share accounts. Neither the city nor the board shall have any duty or liability to furnish any additional funds, securities or other assets to fund share account benefits. Neither the board nor any trustee shall be liable for the making, retention, or sale of any investment or reinvestment made as herein provided, nor for any loss or diminishment of the member share account balances, except due to his or its own negligence, willful misconduct or lack of good faith. All investments shall be made by the board subject to the restrictions otherwise applicable to fund investments.


    Notional account. The member share account is a notional account, used only for the purpose of calculation of the share distribution amount. It is not a separate account in the system. There is no change in the system's assets, and there is no distribution available to the member or DROP participant until the member's or DROP participant's termination from employment. The member or DROP participant has no control over the investment of the share account.


    No employer discretion. The share account benefit is determined pursuant to a specific formula which does not involve employer discretion.


    Maximum additions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, annual additions under this section shall not exceed the limitations of Section 415(c) of the code pursuant to the provisions of section 54-200, subsection (k).


    IRC limit. The share account distribution, along with other benefits payable from the system, is subject to limitation under Internal Revenue Code Section 415(b).

(Ord. No. 16-60, § 13, 11-10-16; Ord. No. 16-61, § 4, 12-6-16)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 16-61, § 4, adopted Dec. 6, 2016, changed the title of § 54-215 from "Supplemental benefit component for special benefits; chapter 175 share accounts" to "Supplemental benefit component for special benefits; chapters 175 and 185 share accounts".