§ 118-1264. Standards.  

Latest version.
  • All recreational vehicle parks shall conform with the following minimum standards of development:


    Recreational vehicle parks shall contain not less than five acres.


    Each recreational vehicle lot shall have a lot area of at least 2,000 square feet, with a minimum lot width of 35 feet.


    The overall density of a recreational vehicle parks shall not exceed 14 recreational vehicle lots per gross acre. Recreational vehicle storage lots within a recreational vehicle park shall not be included in the recreational vehicle lot density calculation.


    All recreational vehicle parks shall front on a street for at least 150 feet.


    All recreational vehicle park access points on a street shall be located at least 150 feet apart and at least 150 feet from the intersection of any street right-of-way lines. The planning and zoning board shall require wider spacing between access points and intersection street right-of-way lines when the recreational vehicle park has more than the minimum required frontage on a street.


    All recreational vehicles shall be set back at least 30 feet from the right-of-way of all collectors, arterials or abutting residential zones or 20 feet from a local street.


    All recreational vehicles and their attachments shall be setback at least ten feet from other recreational vehicles located on adjacent lots.


    An access road shall provide direct access to each recreational vehicle lot. No recreational vehicle shall be located any closer than ten feet to the edge of this access road. The area occupied by the access road shall not fulfill any part of the area requirements for any lot. All dead-end roads within the recreational vehicle park shall be designed to enable recreational vehicles to reverse direction without having to back more than one recreational vehicle length.


    A landscaped buffer strip at least 20 feet in width shall be provided along all streets of at least collector classification and abutting residential uses, and ten feet along local streets. (See section 118-1299.)


    No recreational vehicle shall be connected to electric, gas, telephone, water, sewer or any other utility or service in, through or at another structure. All such utility and service connections shall be made directly to the recreational vehicle from regular utility service lines in the same manner that connections are provided to other structures within the area.


    All recreational vehicle parks shall conform with the state department of health regulations which prescribed standards for water supply, sewage disposal, and other facilities. A minimum of 75 percent of all recreational vehicle lots within each recreational vehicle park, and all long term recreational vehicle lots must be served with sewage disposal facilities.


    All recreational vehicle parks shall be adequately drained so that no recreational vehicle lot shall be subject to the collection of stormwater.


    All streets shall meet the construction standards of chapter 110 as relates to base materials and surfacing.


    Temporary recreational vehicles lots. All recreational vehicles located on any temporary recreational vehicle lot shall remain in a temporary status and mobile condition at all times. Compliance with the following is required:


    No wheels or tires shall be removed except for repairs.


    No axles shall be removed except for repairs.


    No tongues shall be removed from trailers except for repairs.


    No enclosures or attachments shall be present on any lot unless they are accessories which are of a type that may be purchased from the manufacturer of the specific trailer or are used consistent with the purpose for which they were designed and manufactured and, further, unless they are temporary attachments or enclosures. The term "temporary" means transient as opposed to the term "permanent," which means fixed, not expected to change in status, condition or place. As an example, an awning that retracts to the trailer is temporary and permitted; a screen enclosure on or around a concrete slab is permanent and prohibited.


    Skirting is permitted but must be of a temporary nature. Temporary skirting for temporary recreational vehicles is required if the recreational vehicle is to remain on a lot for six months or more.


    Types of recreational vehicles. Park trailers are not allowed in established temporary recreational vehicle lots. All other types of recreational vehicles (to include "travel trailers," "camping trailers," "truck campers," "motor homes," "private motor coaches," "van conversions," and "fifth-wheel trailers") are allowed on temporary recreational vehicle lots provided that they remain portable and only remain inhabited by humans for a maximum of six continuous months per year commencing on the first day the recreational vehicle is place upon a lot and is occupied.


    Long term recreational vehicles lots. Up to 80 percent of the recreational vehicle lots may be designated as long term recreational vehicles lots provided they are in compliance with the following:


    Types of recreational vehicles. Only "park trailers", "travel trailers", "fifth-wheel trailers," or "motor homes" located on a long term recreational vehicle lot may remain inhabited by humans for more than six continuous months per year commencing on the first day the recreational vehicle is placed upon a lot and is occupied. All other recreational vehicles (to include "camping trailers," "truck campers," "private motor coaches," and "van conversions") located on a long term recreational vehicle lot must remain portable and may only be inhabited by humans for a maximum of six continuous months per year commencing on the first day the recreational vehicle is placed upon a lot and is occupied.


    Building permits and impact fees. All long term recreational vehicles must be blocked, tie-down, and skirted in compliance with state and city regulations. All long term recreational vehicles must comply with the separation and setback requirements identified above. Building permits are required. Unless vested, the owner must pay the following impact fees for each long term recreational vehicle lot:











    Impact fee vesting. All long term recreational vehicle lots which are currently occupied by recreational vehicles or are mapped as long term recreational vehicle lots as of the effective date of this division, are vested against and shall not be subject to nor required to pay any impact fees. Change in the ownership of recreational vehicle lots or the long term recreational vehicles that occupy the lots, or the change in the recreational vehicles that occupy the lots or future vacancy of the recreational vehicle lot, does not affect the impact fee vesting of recreational vehicle lots. Proof of vesting of long term recreational vehicle lots for impact fees will be established for recreational vehicle parks by the city commission via resolution or vested rights agreement. The owner of a recreational vehicle park may request a vesting determination by petitioning the city. The owner must provide evidence of long term renters for each lot for which the owner is requesting vesting. This evidence may include photos, leases, utility bills, maps, testimony and other evidence. The commission will grant vesting status against impact fees for each long term recreational vehicle lot that is established as having been in continuous service since the date impact fees were established in the City of Winter Garden.


    Lease. A written rental agreement for all long term recreational vehicle leases is required. The lease shall contain the following requirements:


    All animals or pets must comply with the city's ordinance pertaining to animals.


    No business shall be conducted from the recreational vehicle park unless they comply with the city's home occupation requirements and providing said business is an "office only" business that has no outside employees, no customers that visit the site, and no trucks, vans, and/or trailers on the site at any time.


    Accessory structures. Each long term recreational vehicle that complies with the tie-down section of this Code may have one covered or uncovered (but not enclosed) attached permanent structure such as a deck, a porch or a car port. These structures must maintain a ten-foot separation from another recreational vehicle, shed, or other permanent structure as well as being ten feet from an internal access road. A tool or storage shed is permitted on each long term recreational vehicle lot.


    Segregation. Prior to allowing long term recreational vehicles in the park, the owner must submit a plan to be approved by the city commission via resolution identifying the number and location of the long term recreational vehicles. This area must be segregated from the short term lots. The plan must also identify residents that are present for six months and gone for six months and residents that are present for longer than six months.


    Recreational vehicle storage lots. Recreational vehicles may be stored on lots designated as recreational vehicle storage lots so long as the recreational vehicle remains unoccupied by humans and will not be connected to essential utilities such as water, sewer and electric.


    Camping lots. Camping tents are allowed in the park on designated camping lots for a period of up to of 30 days for each camping tent. The location of camping tent lots must be segregated from the recreational vehicle lot portion of the park.


    For sale. Although each individual owner of a recreational vehicle may place one "for sale" sign in the window of the recreational vehicle that is for sale, there shall be no sales or advertisement of sales for recreational vehicles by the park owner or his designee without special exception permit issued by the planning and zoning board. The board may place reasonable conditions such as time, place, and manner restrictions.


    Proper care and maintenance. All recreational vehicles and recreational vehicle lots shall be clean and in good repair at all times. Periodic visual inspection of units and the premises shall be conducted by the property owner or his designee to insure each unit is in good condition, as well as mechanically and cosmetically sound. The owner or his designee shall also insure all premises are in a clean orderly, and law abiding manner and to keep the yards thereof free of weeds, debris, and/or material that may become unsightly or a detriment to the appearance of said premises. The park manager shall have the right to enter and inspect said premises at any and all reasonable times. All park managers must oversee and regulate all lots and tenants for standards for maintenance of all property and individual lots and recreational vehicles. City code enforcement officials may also make periodic inspections to ensure compliance with the city's codes.


    Mobile homes. No mobile homes or manufactured homes are allowed in the recreational vehicle park on either long term or temporary recreational vehicle lots or on recreational vehicle storage lots or camping lots.


    Nonconforming situations. All recreational vehicle parks must come into compliance with subsections (6), (7) and (14) through (20) of section 118-1264, within 18 months of the effective date of this division. However, any pre-existing recreational vehicle park which is non-conforming may enter into a vested rights agreement with the city commission prior to, on or after the effective date of this division. Such vested rights agreement may allow the non-conforming status of the recreational vehicle park to continue pursuant to the terms of such vested rights agreement regardless of the provisions of this division.


    Recreational vehicle lot conversion. Conversion of long term recreational vehicle lots to six-month present, six-month absent lots and vice versa shall be allowed and no impact fees or building permit fees shall be assessed for any such change. However, written notice of such conversion shall be provided to the city. Conversion of temporary recreational vehicle lots to long term recreational vehicle lots may require the payment of impact fees.

(Ord. No. 03-10, § 2, 7-10-03)