§ 10-107. Adult motion picture theaters.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the general requirements contained in this article, an adult motion picture theater shall observe the following special requirements:


    Each adult motion picture booth shall be open or shall have a rectangular-shaped entranceway not less than two feet wide or less than six feet high.


    Each adult motion picture theater or booth shall have individual, separate seats, not couches, benches, or the like, to accommodate the maximum number of persons expected to use the booth or theater.


    An adult motion picture theater shall have sufficient illumination so that persons in all areas of the auditorium can be seen from the main aisle. If the adult theater contains adult booths, each adult booth must be illuminated by a lightbulb of no less than 25 watts.


    In addition to the sanitary facilities required by section 10-101, there shall be provided within or adjacent to the common corridor, passageway or area in an adult motion picture theater having adult motion picture booths adequate lavatories equipped with running water, hand-cleansing soap or detergent and sanitary towels or hand-drying devices. Common towels are prohibited.


    An adult motion picture theater designed to permit viewing by patrons seated in automobiles shall have the motion picture screen so situated or the perimeter of the licensed premises so screened that the projected film material may not be seen from any public right-of-way or residential property.

(Code 1988, § 2.5-57)