§ 10-106. Massage establishments.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the general requirements contained in this article, a massage establishment shall observe the following special requirements:


    Any person who applies for a massage establishment license under this article shall present to the city clerk a state license issued pursuant to F.S. ch. 480 at the time a license is to be issued. No license under this article shall be issued if the applicant fails to present the state license.


    Dressing rooms shall be proportioned to the maximum number of persons who are expected to be in them at one time, excluding attendants and assistants, and separate dressing rooms shall be provided for men and women. Floors shall be of a smooth, impervious material with a nonslip surface and shall be covered at the wall junction for thorough cleaning. Partition walls shall terminate at least six inches above the floor or shall be placed on continuous raised masonry or concrete bases at least four inches high.


    One shower shall be provided for each 40 men or women or fraction thereof, based upon the maximum number of persons who are expected to be using shower facilities at one time, and separate shower facilities shall be provided for men and women. Floors and partition walls shall be constructed as required in subsection (2) of this section for dressing rooms, and duckboards or wooden gratings may be used on shower floors if duplicate sets are provided and rotated in use.


    One locker shall be provided for each patron who is expected to be on the licensed premises at one time, which locker shall be sufficient size to hold clothing and other articles of wearing apparel. Each locker shall be capable of being locked by the patron, with no one else having the key so long as the patron is using the locker, or the locker shall be under the constant attention and supervision of an attendant.


    Massages of a person by another person who displays or exhibits specified anatomical areas are prohibited.


    No person shall massage the genitals or pubic area of another person.

(Code 1988, § 2.5-56)