§ 2.03. Sanitary sewers.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Where the city determines that public sanitary sewers are necessary and are feasible in a subdivision, such sewers shall be installed by the city or its agents or the contractors of the developer. However, if sewer mains in excess of the diameter or depth required to serve the immediate needs of the subdivision or lift stations in number or capacity greater than needed for the subdivision itself are required in connection with the general sewer system, the costs of such excess depth or diameter mains or of such lift stations shall be prorated between the developer and other interests in a manner acceptable to the city.


    Inspection for alignment, deflection and integrity shall be made as follows:


    Internal video inspection for the sewer lines in all new subdivisions shall be performed by the city, at the expense of the owner, to check for alignment and deflection. The television inspection shall also be used to check for cracked, broken or otherwise defective pipe.


    The visual internal inspection will be performed in two stages. The first inspection will be within 30 days after substantial completion of the installation of the gravity sewer pipe, provided the road base is in place and the manhole rings and covers are to grade. The second inspection of the gravity sewer pipe will be before the end of the one-year warranty period.


    If the first or second video inspection reveals cracked, broken, or defective pipe, or pipe misalignment resulting in vertical sags in excess of one-half inch and for PVC pipe a ring deflection in excess of five percent, the owner or contractor shall be required to repair or replace the pipeline.


    Successful passage of both the leakage test and video inspection is required before acceptance by the city.


    Prior to repair or replacement of the failed sewer pipe, the method shall be approved by the city. Pressure grouting of pipe is not an acceptable method of repair.

(Code 1988, § 19-153)