§ 33. City clerk.  

Latest version.
  • The city commission shall by an affirmative vote of at least three (3) commissioners, appoint and have the power to remove a city clerk who shall:


    Give notice of city commission meetings to its members and the public.


    Keep the minutes of city commission proceedings and its committees.


    Be the custodian of the city seal, all ordinances and resolutions and all records and papers of a general or permanent character pertaining to the affairs of the city.


    Have the power to administer oaths.


    Serve as the supervisor of municipal elections and be responsible for the conduct of such elections in the manner prescribed by state law, this charter, and city ordinances; provided, however, the city commission may delegate any or all such municipal election duties and/or authority to the County Supervisor of Elections as deemed necessary by the city commission.


    Perform such other duties as are assigned by this charter, the city commission, the city manager and state law. In the event of a conflict among duties assigned to the city clerk, the duties assigned by state law, this charter, the city commission and the city manager, shall control in that order. The city manager shall not interfere with the city clerk's performance of duties set forth in subsections (1)—(5), unless otherwise approved by the city commission.