§ 21. Emergency measures.  

Latest version.
  • The city commission by affirmative two-thirds ( 2/3 ) vote of the total commission may enact ordinances dealing with emergencies at the meeting at which they are introduced. Any new and unexpected condition or occurrence of a nonrecurring nature that constitutes an immediate and serious menace to the public welfare of the city, shall be deemed an emergency. When no expenditure of city funds is entailed, emergency ordinances may be temporarily effective for a period of not more than fifteen (15) days from the date of their passage; but such ordinances shall be subject to all other provisions of this charter governing the enactment of ordinances, and if not finally adopted in the manner herein provided shall expire at the end of the time for which they are temporarily effective. An emergency ordinance authorizing the expending of funds by the city for other than a regular or recurring requirement, may be effective upon any date fixed in the ordinance by the city commission. Every emergency ordinance shall set forth specifically the conditions or occurrences that create the emergency, and shall be printed in full in the first issue of any newspaper thereafter published and of general circulation in the City of Winter Garden, in addition to the other publications required herein, and shall be captioned as an emergency ordinance.