§ 17. Vacancies in commission.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    The office of mayor-commissioner or commissioner shall become vacant upon the death, resignation, forfeiture or removal from office in any manner prescribed by law or this charter.


    Unless otherwise prescribed by general law, a vacancy on the commission shall be filled in the following manner:


    If there are six (6) months or less remaining in the unexpired term of the vacant office, within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of the vacancy, the commission by majority vote of its remaining members shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacant office to serve the remainder of the term. Within fifteen (15) days of the occurrence of the vacancy, those persons interested in qualifying for appointment to the vacant office shall submit to the city clerk their name and other such information showing that they meet the qualifications for holding office pursuant to Section 12 of this charter. After the fifteen (15) day qualifying period, but before the expiration of thirty (30) days after the occurrence of the vacancy, the commission shall hold a special meeting for the purpose of filling the vacancy and at such meeting allow public comment on the matter. If the commission does not appoint a qualified person by the expiration of thirty (30) days after the occurrence of the vacancy, the vacant office shall be filled by drawing lots among the qualified persons receiving at least two (2) votes from the remaining commission members.


    If there are more than six (6) months remaining in the unexpired term of the vacant office, the commission shall schedule a special election to fill the vacancy and such election shall be held not sooner than forty-five (45) days and not later than sixty (60) days following the occurrence of the vacancy.