§ 11. Number, selection, term, compensation.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    There shall be a city commission consisting of a mayor-commissioner who shall represent the entire city and be elected at large by the voters of the city, and four (4) commissioners each of whom shall represent a single member district and be elected by the voters in the district they represent. The mayor-commissioner and commissioners shall be qualified as hereinafter prescribed, and their term of office shall begin on the first regular meeting of the city commission after their election. The term of office of the mayor-commissioner and the commissioners shall be three (3) years.


    The present members of the city commission shall hold their seats for the term of office for which they were respectively elected, or until their successors have been elected and take office.


    The mayor-commissioner shall preside as chairperson of meetings of the commission, represent the city in intergovernmental relationships, present an annual state of the city message, and perform other duties as specified by the commission. The mayor-commissioner shall be recognized as head of the city government for all ceremonial purposes and by the governor for purposes of military law but shall have no administrative duties. The mayor-commissioner as a city commission member shall have a voice and a vote in the proceedings of the commission; but no veto power.


    At the first regular commission meeting after an election, including any runoffs and swearing in of commissioner(s), the commission shall elect from among its members a mayor pro-tem, who shall serve until a successor is elected. The mayor pro-tem shall act as mayor during the absence or disability of the mayor.


    The commission may determine the annual salary of the mayor-commissioner and the commissioners by ordinance, but no ordinance increasing such salary shall become effective until the date of commencement of the terms of the mayor-commissioner and/or commissioners elected at the next regular election, provided that such election follows the adoption of such ordinance by at least six (6) months. The mayor-commissioner and the commissioners shall receive their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties of office.