§ 98-191. Application requirements.  

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  • (1)

    With the application for certificate of approval, the applicant shall submit the following documents. All plans shall be submitted on a minimum 11″ × 17″ sized sheet and shall be drawn to scale. The administrative official may waive any of these requirements if not applicable to the specific application:


    An accurate survey, completed by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida. Surveys are required for new construction including, but not limited to, the construction of fences, walls, accessory structures and additions.


    For new construction, additions or renovations: A site plan showing the complete property with dimensions of the existing and proposed buildings, spacing, all setbacks, individual parking spaces, access drives fences, and accessory structures. The site plan shall be reviewed by the city's development review committee (DRC), while the architectural elevations shall be reviewed by city staff and then forwarded to ARHPB as appropriate.


    A floor plan of the proposed improvements, if there is an anticipated impact on the exterior of the building.


    Elevations of the exterior facades, if any changes are proposed to the facades.


    Sign plan and individual dimensioned sign drawings shall specify proposed materials and colors, and shall show location of signs on site plans and building elevation.


    Picture/brochure and dimensions of any fence(s) to be installed.


    Paint samples that uses historic palette colors.


    Recent photographs of the building/building features to be modified. No Polaroid photographs shall be allowed.


    ARHPB meeting and hearings. The following shall apply to ARHPB's consideration of applications for certificates of approval:


    Review criteria. Decisions regarding the application shall be based on a finding of fact stating whether the proposed alteration, demolition, etc. is consistent with the standards and characteristics of this historic downtown overlay district.


    Public meeting. ARHPB shall hold a public meeting, and based upon the application and the requirements of this article and the design standards and guidelines manual, ARHPB shall approve, deny or approve with conditions. If the application is approved with conditions, the certificate of approval shall be issued with the conditions noted, and the applicant must meet all such conditions. Failure to comply with all conditions may void the architectural approval and further subject the applicant to enforcement pursuant to section 98-198 of this Code.


    Posting. Public notice in the form of a property posting shall be required only if the ARHPB is considering a request for demolition, relocation, variance, or deviation from these requirements. Notice of the time, place, and date of the ARHPB meeting at which such request will be considered shall be posted on a sign in a location where such sign may be readily observed and easily read from the street. Such sign shall be posted for at least ten consecutive days prior to the ARHPB meeting.

(Ord. No. 10-05, § 2(Exh. 1), 1-14-10)