§ 98-188. Historic downtown district area.  

Latest version.
  • (1)

    The City of Winter Garden Historic Downtown District area includes +/-116 acres of land at the time of adoption of this article, and is generally bordered by 2nd Street and 3rd Street on the east boundary, Smith Street on the southern boundary, Park Avenue and North Central Avenue on the western boundary, and a portion of West Tilden Street and East Newell Street on the northern boundary. The historic district is graphically depicted on Exhibit "A"* - Historic Downtown District - Area Map.


    Legal description. The legal description of the historic downtown district area is attached and incorporated herein as "Exhibit B"*.


    The City of Winter Garden shall create a photographic index and database inventory of all residential, commercial, and industrial structures in the historic downtown district. Parcels shall be listed by the existing use at the time of the inventory and date of construction. The city shall use this data to document the existing conditions as of the date of the ordinance and to evaluate permit applications that are made after the ordinance is adopted. The historic downtown district includes the designated historic residential and commercial historic area established in 1994. Currently 71 historic residential structures, out of a total of 125 residential parcels, and 27 historic commercial structures, out of a total of 150 commercial parcels, are identified in the district boundary area. Such historic structures are also classified as "contributing structures," which means that the structures are at least 50 years of age and exhibit unique or distinctive architectural style or character. A listing of the contributing structures by both commercial and residential use and address is provided in "Exhibit C"* to this Ordinance.




    The numerical values and distances set forth in the text of this article prevail in the event of any discrepancy with numerical values and distances set forth in the design standards and guidelines manual, or other sections of the Winter Garden Code.


    The photographs and illustrations in the historic downtown district overlay design standards and guidelines manual are for illustrative purposes only. Each photograph and illustration is intended to illustrate the design principle(s) or architectural style or element identified in the corresponding caption. The text of this article shall prevail in the event of any discrepancy with a visual depiction in the manual.


    If other land development regulations or zoning provisions conflict with any of the standards set forth in this article, the standards and provisions contained in this article shall prevail.

(Ord. No. 10-05, § 2(Exh. 1), 1-14-10)

Editor's note

A copy of Exhibits "A", "B", "C" can be found in the offices of the city clerk.