§ 98-26. Creation; composition; appointment, terms, removal, compensation of members; filling of vacancies.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    There is created a planning and zoning board which shall consist of seven members who shall be appointed by the city commission. Commencing January 1, 2010, each member appointment shall be for a term of three years. Planning and zoning board members appointed by the city commission to serve out the remainder of an unexpired four-year term vacated by a previous board member, who were otherwise appointed by the city commission prior to September 1, 2008 to serve a four-year term, or who were appointed to serve a two-year term after September 1, 2008, shall continue to serve out the remainder of those terms to which they were appointed. After January 1, 2010, the city commission, at its second October meeting, shall appoint planning and zoning board members to open seats for three-year terms, with such terms ending upon the appointment of a successor or reappointment of such member. A member shall not be appointed to the board for more than two consecutive full terms, but may be reappointed after the expiration of one year following the end of such member's second term. For members on the board on January 1, 2010 in their second or later term, such members may be reappointed for one additional succeeding term regardless of the two-term limitation in this subsection.


    To ensure multidistrict representation on the board, the city commission shall appoint to the board at least one member from each voting district within the city's boundaries. Furthermore, no more than two members of the planning and zoning board may reside in a single district subject to the following exceptions:


    If upon the adoption of this requirement there are more than two members of the planning and zoning board who reside within a single voting district, such members may continue in their respective terms until the earlier of their removal or expiration of their respective terms of office.


    If a redistricting of voting districts results in more than two members of the planning and zoning board residing within the same voting district, such members may continue in their respective terms until the earlier of their removal or expiration of their respective terms.


    Any vacancy in membership shall be filled until October of the last year of the unexpired term by the city commission, which shall have the authority to remove any member for cause upon written charges, and after a public hearing. Absence from three unexcused regular meetings of the board in one year shall operate to vacate the seat of a member, unless such absences are excused by the board by resolution setting forth the fact of such excuse duly entered upon the journal. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve until October of the last year remaining in the term of the member being replaced or until reappointment or appointment of a successor member, regardless of which month such term may have been set to expire.


    All members shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in connection with their official duties.


    The city manager shall have the right to take part in discussion at planning and zoning board meetings but shall not vote.

(Code 1988, § 16-27; Ord. No. 06-53, § I, 1-11-07; Ord. No. 08-05, § 2, 1-10-08; Ord. No. 09-06, § I, 2-12-09; Ord. No. 10-09, § I, 1-28-10)