§ 94-94. Injection wells, heat exchange wells.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any wells or wells used for the purpose of withdrawal and subsequent reinjection to the Floridan Aquifer shall not alter existing chemical, radiological, physical, or biological water quality.


    All reinjected water from any heat exchange/injection well shall meet or exceed all drinking water quality standards.


    The owner of any well operated in the city used for the purpose of withdrawal and subsequent reinjection to the Floridan Aquifer shall notify the fire department within 24 hours of any loss or discharge of refrigerants.


    All newly installed reinjection wells shall be designed to prevent air entrainment in the reinjection process. All other existing permitted wells must retrofit to prevent air entrainment by January 1, 1995.


    All wells used for withdrawal and subsequent reinjection shall be required to sample the withdrawn and reinjected water for the following parameters.


    Volatile organic chemicals (EPA method 8021).


    Total dissolved solids or specific conductance.


    Lead, weekly or monthly.


    Copper, weekly or monthly.


    Iron, quarterly.


    Calcium, quarterly.


    Magnesium, quarterly.


    Temperature, continuous.


    pH, continuous.


    Frequency of sampling and reporting requirements. All sampling and reporting procedures shall following those established by the county environmental protection department.


    Injection well/heat exchange well flow. The system operator shall be required to install a flow meter and flow totalizer and record daily flow in the reinjection well and production well. Flow information must be provided in addition to the sampling results for the required reporting period to the city.


    Corrective action.


    If a loss to the reinjection system of any regulated substance occurs or if the reinjection water does not meet all drinking water quality standards, the well owner will be required to remediate the reinjection water and the affected withdrawal water to all drinking water standards at his own expense.


    Remediation must be conducted using sound hydrogeological and engineering principles and must continue until the reinjection water meets all drinking water quality standards.


    All remediation projects are required to keep the city informed of the progress, any problems or changes in status of the remediation process. The city reserves the right to have split sampling done to verify any and all results.

(Code 1988, § 26-5.4)