§ 94-28. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Abandoned well means a well which is no longer in use and which is not constructed to state standards and for which no valid St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) or South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) permit has been issued. Any well not in use and which is in a state of disrepair or is a potential source of groundwater contamination and whose existence is detrimental to the water resources of the city shall be deemed abandoned.

    Air entrainment means any process by which air is introduced into groundwater.

    Aquifer means a groundwater bearing geologic formation that contain enough saturated permeable material to yield significant quantities of water.

    Best management practices means those practices that a person can follow which minimize or negate the potential for a release of regulated substances to groundwater or soils.

    Closure means the termination of any regulated nonresidential land use or activity covered by this article.

    Containment means a system that is used to prevent the release of regulated substances to the environment. The system shall be constructed of an impervious material such that release of regulated substances to the environment is prevented. The size of the containment system should be sufficient to contain spills, leaks, overflows and rainfall until appropriate action can be taken.

    Contamination means the presence of any harmful or deleterious substances in the groundwater supply, surface water, or land surface.

    Continuous transit means the nonstop movement of a mobile vehicle except for stops required by traffic laws.

    Discharge includes but is not limited to any spilling, leaking, seeping, pouring, misapplying, emitting, emptying, or dumping of any regulated substance which may affect the groundwater.

    EPA means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

    FDEP means the state department of environmental protection.

    Geotechnical boring means any excavation that is drilled, cored, washed, driven, or dug for the purpose of geological investigation or for obtaining a soil sample.

    Groundwater means water beneath the surface of the ground, whether or not flowing through known and definite channels.

    Hazardous substance means a substance that has one or more of the following characteristics: ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP), or toxicity.

    Injection/heat exchange well means any well used specifically for the purpose of introducing under pressure any water into underground formations. Air conditioning return wells are considered injection wells for the purposes of this article.

    OCEPD means the county environmental protection department.

    Pollution means the presence of any substance (organic, inorganic, radiological, or biological) or physical condition in water which degrades the quality so as to constitute a hazard or impair the use of the water.

    Potable water sources means sources of water that meet city, state, federal drinking water standards and are intended for drinking, culinary, and domestic purposes.

    Regulated business means any operation listed in the Standard Industrial Classification that manufactures, stores, or uses regulated substances.

    Regulated substances means any hazardous or toxic substance regulated under this article as described in division 2 of this article or any hazardous or toxic substance that may cause groundwater pollution.

    Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) means a federally developed code that identifies a business or industrial activity with a unique four-digit number.

    Storage system means any tank, container, drum, or storage component together with all integral piping or pumping equipment that contain regulated substances.

    Well means any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed when the intended use of such excavation is to conduct groundwater to the surface.

(Code 1988, § 26-3)

Cross reference

Definitions generally, § 1-2.