§ 88-8. Fee collection and schedule.  

Latest version.
  • The platting review fees, zoning plan amendments, other permits associated with development of property fees and advertising costs, respectively located below in subsections (1) through (3), as such may be amended from time to time, establish the flat fee for the matters referenced therein, which flat fees in addition to any review deposit required pursuant to section 88-3 shall be paid by the applicant to the city upon submittal of any application to the city. The city shall ensure the required flat fee is collected, and, if applicable, the review deposit is posted to an account for said application. The city finance director or his designee shall also notify the city manager or appropriate city staff of the applicant's proof of payment of the flat fee and, if applicable, the posting of the review deposit. Those flat fees associated with site plan review shall be established and amended from time to time by resolution of the city commission.

    Should the city manager or his designee determine that the required review deposit for an application is inadequate to cover the reasonably anticipated fees, costs and expenses to be required by the city, the city manager shall direct the city finance director or his designee to increase the minimum deposit to the minimum extent necessary to cover such reasonably anticipated fees, costs, and expenses. Flat fees for platting review, zoning plan amendments, and other permits associated with development of property fees and advertising costs not otherwise established by resolution are established as follows:


    Platting review fees.


    Preliminary plat review fees. The fee for plans review shall be $250.00 plus $10.00 per residential lot, $500.00 per nonresidential lot.


    Plat construction plan review. $500.00, plus two dollars per residential lot; two-hundred fifty dollars per nonresidential lot for the first two revisions. An additional $10.00 per residential lot or $500.00 per nonresidential lot will be charged for each successive revision.


    Plat infrastructure inspections. Two and one-quarter percent of the construction cost of the infrastructure to include but not limited to roads, stormwater facilities, water facilities and wastewater facilities to be paid prior to final plat approval.


    Final plat review. The fee shall be $250.00, plus $10.00 per residential lot; $100.00 per nonresidential lot plus actual city consultant review cost, fees and expenses, and recording fees.


    Addressing and signage fees. The applicant will be responsible to reimburse the city for any addressing and signage fees.


    Zoning, plan amendments, and other permits associated with development of property fees.


    Adult entertainment establishments (development of): See chapter 10 titled amusements and entertainment.


    Annexation, infill (annexation of infill lot of five acres or less) ..... No fee


    Annexation, large scale (annexation of a lot or parcel greater than five acres) ..... $1,000.00


    Deannexation ..... $2,500.00


    Appeal to the planning and zoning board of an administrative interpretation ..... 100.00


    Appeal to the city commission of a decision made by the planning and zoning board ..... 300.00


    Building permits: As identified in Resolution No. 96-09 as amended.


    Comprehensive plan amendment, small scale and in conjunction with an infill (annexation less that five acres) ..... No fee


    Comprehensive plan amendment, small scale and not in conjunction with an infill (annexation less than ten acres) ..... 700.00


    Comprehensive plan amendment, large scale or text amendment ..... 2,500.00


    Concurrency review ..... City


    Development of regional impact (DRI) review: $8,000.00, plus all other associated development review fees (i.e., platting, annexation, comprehensive plan amendment and site plan review) plus city consultant fees, costs, and expenses.


    Development agreement: Actual city consultant fees, costs, and expenses.


    Impact fees: As identified in chapter 42 of this Code.


    Lot clearing not associated with any other development permit:

    Residential (per lot)\25.00

    Nonresidential (per lot)\100.00


    Planned unit development (PUD):




    Rezoning in conjunction with an infill annexation five acres or less ..... No fee


    Rezoning not in conjunction with an infill annexation five acres or less ..... 500.00


    Special exception or conditional use permit:

    For-profit business\500.00

    Not-for-profit business\200.00

    Extension of permit\200.00


    Tree removal permit, per lot or parcel ..... 10.00


    Variance request:

    For a single-family residential additions and substandard lots (per variance request)\100.00

    For residential fences, sheds, and other nonhabitable structures (per variance request)\75.00

    For all other variances (per variance request)\150.00


    Vacation of public property (plus city consultant fees, expenses, and costs) ..... 250.00


    Identification of all nonconforming characteristics letter (existing development) ..... 300.00


    Lot split ..... 100.00


    Open air vendor permit ..... 250.00


    Zoning verification letter ..... 100.00

    (Plus costs such as copy charges and city staff time.)


    Advertising costs. Applicants shall be required to reimburse the city for actual costs, expenses and fees incurred by the city relating directly to any advertising associated with any application, including but not limited to notices, posting, mailings and postage.


    Waiver of flat fees. An applicant may request that the city commission, or the planning and zoning board if the applicable development related activity and application will not be brought before the city commission, waive the flat fee requirement. Prior to such waiver, a finding of good cause for the waiver must be made by the city commission (or planning and zoning board). By way of example, not limitation, the following may be considered in order to support a finding of good cause: the waiver of the flat fee will further a legitimate city objective or the associated development related activity is directly beneficial to the city.

(Ord. No. 02-41, § II, 10-24-02; Ord. No. 07-22, § II, 7-12-07; Ord. No. 07-39, § 2, 8-9-07; Ord. No. 10-23, § V, 4-8-10)