§ 88-4. Project account.  

Latest version.
  • Once an application pertaining or relating to subdivision plats, development agreements, planned unit developments, a development of regional impact or, upon good cause shown, such other development related application as determined by the city manager, has been submitted to the city and the applicable total development review amount has been collected, the city finance director or his designee shall establish an individual project account through which all fees, expenses and costs incurred by the city which are associated with the applicable application will be monitored. The project account will be maintained throughout the entire review, processing, inspection, and regulation process until the later of: 


    Final action (after all appeal periods have run) by the city commission has occurred with respect to the application;


    No further significant involvement of the city staff or city consultants is expected to occur;


    The city has been paid all of the amounts due under this chapter and the city code; or


    The expiration of any warranty period associated with the conveyance or dedication of improvements to the city.

    Fees, costs and expenses for the city consultant time directly related to the review, processing, inspection or regulation of any application or development pursuant to this chapter, the city code and state statutes and directly related expenses, including, but not limited to, advertising, legal, inspection and engineering costs are to be charged to the project account.

(Ord. No. 02-41, § II, 10-24-02)