§ 86-3. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Accepted engineering principles means the engineering concepts generally accepted by the broad base of professionals in the particular engineering discipline for which a concurrency evaluation is being conducted.

    Available public facilities means that a public facility or service will be provided as follows:


    The facility is in place to serve a proposed project at the time a final development permit is approved;


    The facility is under construction at the time a final development permit is approved;


    The facility is subject to a binding executed construction contract at the time a final development permit is approved;


    The facility is subject to an enforceable development agreement. An enforceable development agreement may include but is not limited to agreements pursuant to F.S. § 163.3220; or


    The facility is included in the first three years of the state department of transportation five-year work program.

    Average daily traffic means an average number of vehicles crossing a specific point on a roadway on an average weekday. The most recent official traffic counts from the state department of transportation, the county, or the city shall be accepted as representing average daily traffic for a specified roadway segment. Average daily traffic counts provided by any other source must be prepared by utilizing accepted engineering principles.

    Building permit means a written authorization issued by the building official which permits construction of any structure.

    Captured trips means motor vehicle trips which enter or exit a project site, are not generated by that project, but rather they are temporarily diverted from the average daily traffic of the adjacent roadway.

    Development means the carrying out of any building operation or the making of any material change in the use of function of any structure or land as well as the dividing of land into two or more lots or parcels.

    Development agreement means an agreement entered into pursuant to F.S. § 163.3220 et seq., which the city may be a party to and that may ensure construction or provision of a public facility or service.

    Development order means any order granting, with or without conditions, a development permit, including any amendments to a development permit.

    Development permit means any building permit, rezoning, site plan approval, subdivision approval (both preliminary plat and final plat), special exception, variance, or any other official action of the city having the effect of permitting the development of land. It shall not include the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.

    Direct access means the accessing roadway links which serve as the immediate and direct access for the project or its means of ingress and egress.

    ERU or equivalent residential units means the amount of wastewater generated or potable water utilized by a nonresidential facility comparable to a single-family unit.

    Existing traffic means average daily traffic.

    Final development order means a building permit or, for a subdivision, an approval to construct all required improvements.

    Level of service means an indicator of the extent or degree of service provided by or proposed to be provided by a public facility based on and related to the operational characteristics of the public facility.

    Link or segment means the portion of a roadway between two major intersections or between a major intersection and the end of the roadway.

    Net impact means the total impact of a development upon the level of service for a particular public facility minus the existing impacts of earlier phases or previous development on the same property.

    Performance security means sufficient funds irrevocably committed by written agreement in order to secure complete performance of a contract or condition of a development order or development agreement in a form approved by the city commission.

    Project means the development of a parcel of land or the expansion of any existing development.

    Public facilities and services means transportation facilities (roadways), drainage (stormwater management), potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, and recreational parks and open space.

    Radius of development influence means the area surrounding a proposed project. The radius of development influence shall be a geometric radius measured from all boundaries, and such radius shall be determined according to accepted engineering principles.

    Significant impact traffic study means a traffic study or links, directly accessed links, and intersections within the radius of development influence of a proposed significant project.

    Significant project means any project for which the city determines that the impact of the traffic generation from the project during buildout will cause a significant impact on any link within the radius of development influence.

    Threshold level of service means the point at which the level of service of a given public facility crosses from a permitted level of service to a level of service not permitted by the adopted standard of the comprehensive plan.

    Trip generation standards means the standards found in the latest edition of the book entitled "Trip Generation," prepared by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, or those standards found in article II of chapter 42 pertaining to impact fees.

    Vested project means a project which has received a final development permit prior to the effective date of the ordinance from which this chapter derives. It shall, also, mean the development of any single-family lot in a subdivision platted prior to August 1992.

(Code 1988, § 28-3)

Cross reference

Definitions generally, § 1-2.