§ 78-227. Promulgation and enforcement of procedures and regulations for water reuse service.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    This article hereby establishes that the city's existing public services department is expanded to include services and responsibilities for reclaimed water facilities owned and operated by the city.


    The city manager, or the city manager's designee, shall have the power to promulgate procedures and regulations with respect to the following matters, which procedures and regulations shall become effective upon a resolution, approving the same being adopted by the city commission:


    Application procedures, forms, and requirements and allowable uses other than irrigation. All uses must be in accordance with applicable FDEP and other applicable regulatory agency rules and regulations.


    Installation requirements, including specification of acceptable materials, devices, and regulations to prevent backflow or cross-connections with other systems.


    Procedures for enforcement of the ordinances and regulations pertaining to reclaimed water, including procedures for inspection of the customer's system.


    Procedures for the orderly expansion of the reclaimed water system.


    Procedures and regulations for the efficient operation of the reclaimed water system.


    Procedures for plugging wells located on the property which will be receiving reclaimed water.


    Procedures for use of hose connections to the reclaimed water system.


    Other matters relating to the construction, operation, and use of the reclaimed water system.


    Discontinuance of service or other sanctions to owners of property not in compliance with this article or the rules, procedures, and regulations for receiving the service.


    The rendering of bills for service and the collection of charges for all services rendered.


    Collection of all fees and charges and recording in the public records any liens agreed to by customers of the system.


    Notwithstanding the foregoing, the city manager or the city manager's designee may, when necessary for the efficient operation of the reclaimed water system or for the health or safety of the general public or the customer, establish regulations regarding the following matters, which regulations shall become effective at the time of promulgation without the need for city commission approval:


    The time(s) of day or night and the days of the week which the reclaimed water may be used by customers.


    The maximum rate of use of the reclaimed water.


    Any customer whose reclaimed water system is in violation of any city ordinance, regulation, or procedure shall be subject to immediate discontinuance of reclaimed water service. Such discontinuance of service shall not relieve any person of liability for civil actions or for criminal or municipal ordinance violation prosecution.

(Ord. No. 01-52, § 2, 7-26-01; Ord. No. 11-02, § VI, 1-13-11)