§ 78-225. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Backflow prevention device means either a reduced pressure or a double check valve assembly that protects the city public potable water supply at the service connection by isolating within the customer's premises actual or potential pollution contamination due to cross-connection.

    Billing means the charge made for reclaimed water service. The charge may be made on a separate invoice or may be included on the monthly utility bill.

    City means the City of Winter Garden, Florida and its public services department.

    City manager means the City Manager of the City of Winter Garden.

    Customer means the actual user of the reclaimed water.

    Cross-connection means any physical connection or arrangement which would allow the transfer of fluids, including waters, between the city's potable water supply and distribution system, the reclaimed water supply and distribution system or any other nonpotable water source.

    Development means any proposed change in land use which alters the demands for water and/or wastewater services.

    Director means the Director of Public Utilities of the City of Winter Garden or his/her designee.

    Discontinuation of service means cessation of a service by physical separation from the system's service lines to ensure that no service can be received.

    Distribution main means a conduit used to supply reclaimed water from transmission mains to service lines.

    Effluent means treated wastewater flowing out of any treatment facility.

    FDEP means the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, or its successor in function.

    Hose bibb means a special connection installed at certain points of delivery of reclaimed water that will enable the customer to attach a hose with a customized adaptor to use reclaimed water for nonpotable purposes.

    Meter means a flow measuring device to monitor the total reclaimed water flow to the customer's property.

    Point of delivery or service connection means the terminal end of a service line from the public reclaimed water system at the downstream end of the meter set, hose bibb, or other device installed and maintained by the city.

    Public eating, drinking, or bathing facility means water fountains, picnic tables, swimming pools, spas, and food service facilities, such as tables and beverage counters, that are open to and provide service for the public.

    Reclaimed water means effluent from city-owned and operated wastewater treatment plants, which effluent has been treated to advanced secondary treatment standards in compliance with the requirements of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Includes the term "treated effluent". Reclaimed water shall include treated effluent, as provided in this paragraph, from wastewater treatment plants owned by entities with which the city has entered into an agreement for the provision of reclaimed water.

    Reclaimed water reuse system means those reclaimed water mains, lines, fittings, valves, and appurtenances installed in public right-of-way or utility easements, which are owned by the city.

    Reuse service area (utility service area) means those areas where the installation of reclaimed water systems shall be available as provided in this article and shall be geographically defined as the existing sewer utility service area of the City of Winter Garden, all areas within the city limits of the City of Winter Garden and those areas which the City of Winter Garden may designate by resolution at a later date.

    Transmission mains means a conduit that conveys reclaimed water from the treatment plant to a booster pumping station or a trunk main. These mains, together with the storage and pumping facilities, transmit the reclaimed water to the distribution systems and other points of use of the reclaimed water.

(Ord. No. 01-52, § 2, 7-26-01; Ord. No. 11-02, § VI, 1-13-11)