§ 78-208. Stormwater management fund.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All stormwater management utility fees and charges collected by the city pursuant to this article shall be paid into a separate fund which is created which shall be known as the Stormwater Management Utility Operating Fund. Such fund shall be used for the purpose of paying for stormwater management drainage facilities and the cost of operation, administration and maintenance of the stormwater system of the city. To the extent that the stormwater management fees collected are insufficient to construct the needed stormwater system, the cost of the system may be paid from such city fund as may be determined by the city commission, but the city commission may order the reimbursement of such fund if additional stormwater management utility fees are thereafter collected. When the fund has surplus dollars on hand in excess of current needs, the surplus dollars may be invested to return the highest yield consistent with proper safeguards. The revenue derived from the stormwater management utility fees collected by the city may be pledged for the repayment of revenue bonds, which may be issued solely upon the security of stormwater utility revenue or combined with other proprietary revenue of the city.


    The fees and charges paid shall not be used for general or other governmental or proprietary purposes of the city, except to pay for the equitable share of the cost of accounting, engineering, management and government thereof related to the stormwater utility and except in combination with other proprietary revenues for purposes of bonding related to the stormwater utility. To the extent that the stormwater fee revenues are combined with other proprietary funds for the purpose of bonding, the percentage bond revenues equating to the percentage of the pledge of stormwater fee revenues shall be used only for the purposes permitted by this article. Other than as described in this subsection, the fees and charges shall be used solely to pay for the cost of operation, repair, maintenance, improvements, renewal, replacement, design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction of public stormwater drainage facilities and costs and fees appurtenant thereto.

(Code 1988, § 25-28)