§ 78-134. Industrial wastewater discharge permits.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Requirements for industrial wastewater discharge permits (IWDPs) shall be as follows:


    Permit required. An IWDP shall be required of every industry who is designated as a significant industrial user (SIU) as defined by this article or whose discharge might contain the substances or possess the characteristics enumerated in section 78-132 or whose discharge might have an adverse impact or deleterious effect on any portion of the POTW.


    Existing industrial wastewater dischargers. Dischargers of industrial wastewater into the city's sewer system prior to the effective date of the ordinance from which this article derives are granted temporary authority to continue to discharge industrial wastewaters in compliance with the city's codes, regulations, and policies. This temporary authority shall expire 90 days after the date of notification by the assistant to the city manager for public services of the requirement for a discharger to make application for an IWDP. In no case shall this temporary authority extend beyond 90 days after the effective date of the ordinance from which this article derives. If, prior to the expiration date, the discharger has filed for an IWDP pursuant to subsections (a)(1) and (a)(5) of this section, its temporary authority to discharge will continue. In such case, this temporary authority shall expire on the date the IWDP is issued or denied. Any person discharging pursuant to the temporary authority provided in this subsection is subject to all sections of this article, and such authority may be suspended or revoked in accordance with the terms and procedures set forth in subsection 78-136(j).


    New industrial wastewater dischargers. Any user required to obtain an industrial wastewater discharge permit who proposes to begin or recommence discharging into the POTW must obtain such permit prior to the beginning or recommencing of such discharge. An application for this industrial wastewater discharge permit in accordance with subsection 78-134(a)(5) of this article must be filed at least 90 days prior to the date upon which any discharge will begin or recommence.


    Compliance required. No IWDP holder shall discharge industrial wastewater in excess of the quantity, rate of discharge, or quality conditions specified in the IWDP. Any person desiring to modify his discharge which would violate conditions of his IWDP shall apply for an amended permit.


    IWDP applications. Existing and proposed new industrial users required under the terms of this article to obtain a permit shall complete and file with the city an application in the form prescribed by the city. Proposed new industrial users shall file their applications at least 90 days prior to their discharging to the POTW. The applicant shall submit, where appropriate, the following:


    The name, address, telephone number, and location if different from the address of the applicant, the owner of the premises from which industrial wastes are intended to be discharged, and the name of a local representative duly authorized to act on behalf of the company.


    NAICS code or SIC number.


    Average daily and three-minute peak wastewater flow rates, including daily, monthly and seasonal variations if any.


    A brief description of all industrial process waste flows produced before and after pretreatment, if any, at the premises, including the daily volume and wastewater constituents and characteristics as determined by representative samples and analyses. All analyses shall be performed by a laboratory certified by Florida Department of Health for environmental analysis for all pollutants concerned and in accordance with 40 CFR Part 136. The description should include a schematic process diagram, which indicates points of discharge to the POTW from the regulated processes.


    Estimated time and duration of discharge within a 20 percent tolerance.


    Site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumbing plans and details to show all sewers, sewer connections, and appurtenances by the size, location and elevation.


    Each product produced by type, amount, process or processes and rate of production.


    Types of wastes generated, and a list of all raw materials and chemicals used or stored at the facility which are, or could accidentally or intentionally be, discharged to the POTW. Type and amount of raw materials processed (average and maximum per day).


    Number and type of employees, and hours of operation of the plant and proposed or actual hours of operation of the pretreatment system.


    The location for monitoring all wastes covered by the IWDP.


    A list of any environmental control permits held by or for the facility.


    Permit fees as determined by the assistant to the city manager for public services, and pursuant to this section.


    A compliance schedule for meeting categorical pretreatment standards, the following conditions of which shall apply:


    The schedule shall contain increments of progress in the form of dates for the commencement and completion of major events leading to the construction and operation of additional pretreatment required for the industrial user to meet the applicable categorical pretreatment standards (e.g., hiring an engineer, completing preliminary plans, completing final plans, executing contract for major components, commencing construction, completing construction, etc.).


    No increment referred to in this section shall exceed nine months.


    Not later than 14 days following each date in the schedule and the final date for compliance, the industrial user shall submit a progress report to the control authority including, at a minimum, whether or not it complied with the increment of progress to be met on such date and, if not, the date on which it expects to comply with this increment of progress, the reason for delay, and the steps being taken by the industrial user to return the construction to the schedule established. In no event shall more than nine months elapse between such progress reports to the city.


    A statement signed by an authorized representative of the industrial user as follows:

    "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violation."


    Any other information as may be deemed by the city to be necessary to evaluate the IWDP application.

(Ord. No. 11-38, § I(Exh. A), 12-8-11)