§ 78-36. Tampering with city property; furnishing water to other persons.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No person, unless authorized by the city, has the right to turn off or turn on water at the curbstop, corporation stop or valve or to in any way disconnect or remove any water meter or otherwise molest any water connection, meter or water main belonging to the city.


    It is unlawful for any person to destroy, deface, impair, injure or wantonly force open any gate or door therein or in any way whatsoever destroy, injure, deface or wantonly destroy any part of the buildings or the appurtenances, fences or fixtures thereunto appertaining or any water pipes, gates, reservoirs, hydrants, fountains or any fixtures or other property belonging to the city water system or sanitary sewer system. It is unlawful for any person without authority from the city to remove, open, hitch to, dig out or curb over any fireplug or hydrant, curbstop, valve, valve box or other fixture belonging to the city water system or sanitary sewer system.


    No consumer shall furnish water to any other person either by use of pipes or fixtures on his own premises or by extending pipes to the premises of other persons.

(Code 1988, § 22-26)