§ 74-72. Schedule of civil penalties for parking violations and the procedure to appeal violations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    There is adopted the following schedule of civil penalties for parking violations occurring within the city for which payment must be made within fourteen calendar days of the issuance of the ticket and may be made at the city or may be mailed in the envelope provided or the person receiving the citation may elect to contest the citation by following the procedures outlined in section:

    Violation Amount 
    of Civil



    No parking anytime ..... $ 30.00


    No parking, stopping or standing ..... 30.00


    No parking here to corner ..... 30.00


    No parking between signs ..... 30.00


    No parking this side ..... 30.00


    No parking, emergency ..... 30.00


    No parking on parkway ..... 30.00


    No parking except as permitted or prohibited during specific times as posted on signs ..... 30.00


    No parking except for passenger loading ..... 30.00


    No parking, bus space ..... 30.00


    No parking, taxi stand ..... 30.00


    No parking anytime, freight loading zone ..... 30.00


    No parking, space is designated for a specific individuals or vehicles other than disabled ..... 30.00


    No parking, patient loading zone ..... 30.00


    No parking, yellow or red curb (not a sign) ..... 30.00


    No parking on sidewalk ..... 30.00


    No parking blocking driveway ..... 30.00


    No parking blocking dumpster ..... 30.00


    No parking blocking wheelchair ramp ..... 30.00


    No parking within 30 feet of official traffic control device ..... 30.00


    No parking within 30 feet of nearest rail at railroad crossing ..... 30.00


    Improper parking, obstructing traffic ..... 30.00


    Improper parking, left wheels to curb (on two-way street) ..... 30.00


    Improper parking, wrong way on one-way street (parked facing opposite flow of traffic) ..... 30.00


    Blocking fire hydrant ..... 30.00


    Keys left in unattended vehicle ..... 30.00


    Parking by disabled permit only ..... 250.00


    Parking overtime (limit authorized in zone) ..... 30.00


    Parking over line or not in compliance with markings ..... 30.00


    Designated fire lane ..... 30.00


    The penalty in subsection (a) of this section must be paid within fourteen calendar days of the date of issuance of the parking violation notice by either hand delivery or by mailing the penalty in the envelope provided with the notice or contest the violation by following the procedure in subsection (c) below.


    Any person receiving a parking violation notice shall, within fourteen calendar days, pay the civil penalty as prescribed in subsection (a) of this section or elect to contest the citation by completing and filing the "Contesting Affidavit" and other relevant information together with a filing fee in the amount of $10.00 to the chief of police, his designee or such other person that may be designated on the citation. The filing fee shall be nonrefundable unless the chief of police or his designee determines that a parking violation did not occur as provided below or the code enforcement board determines that the parking violation did not occur. Any person who fails to pay the civil penalty prescribed on the citation or deliver the contesting affidavit as set forth herein within 14 days from the date of issuance of the parking violation shall incur a delinquent fee of $15.00 and be deemed to have waived his/her right to contest the merits of such citation. Any person electing to contest a citation pursuant to this paragraph shall be deemed to have waived his/her right to pay the civil penalty prescribed on the citation and may be subject to additional fines and fees if same are imposed by the code enforcement board pursuant to section 74-77 of this chapter.

    Upon receipt of a contesting affidavit, the chief of police or his designee shall review such affidavit and, based upon the evidence presented in such affidavit and any other relevant information, determine whether there is probable cause to believe that a parking violation has occurred. If the chief of police or his designee finds no probable cause to believe that a parking violation has occurred, then the chief of police or his designee shall void the citation, provide written notice of same to the person who submitted the contesting affidavit and refund the filing fee. If the chief of police or his designee determines that there is probable cause to believe that a parking violation has occurred, then the chief of police or his designee shall request a hearing before the code enforcement board to consider the contested citation.

    The chief of police or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to supply the State of Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle with a magnetically encoded computer tape reel, cartridge or send by other electronic means data that is machine readable by the installed computer system at said department listing persons who (i) have three or more outstanding parking violations, or (ii) one or more parking violation(s) of F.S. § 316.1955 or any city ordinances which regulate similar parking in spaces designated for use by disabled persons.

(Code 1988, § 21-21(1), (2); Ord. No. 10-14, § 2, 3-25-10)