§ 71-119. No preemption.  

Latest version.
  • Any franchise granted under this chapter shall not serve to grant any grantee any permits, agreement or authorization required by the city's Code, rules, regulations or resolutions for the privilege of conducting business within the city limits. Any franchise granted under this chapter is specifically conditioned upon grantee obtaining and maintaining all necessary certificates, licenses or other authorizations as may be required by federal and state law for the operation of grantee's system. Any franchise granted under this chapter is hereby made subject to all generally applicable ordinance provisions in effect now or in the future in the city, including but not limited to any ordinance of general applicability regulating the use of any streets or rights-of-way in the city and is subject to the city's police power. The regulations regarding the use and occupancy of the city's streets and rights-of-way contained herein are in addition to and not in limitation of any other rules and regulations of general applicability. In the event of any direct conflict between the provisions contained herein and any rule or regulation of general applicability, the more restrictive shall control.

(Ord. No. 02-03, Art. IV(19), 2-28-02)