§ 71-109. Tree trimming.  

Latest version.
  • In the event a grantee or the city deems the trimming and removal of any trees reasonably necessary to construct any portion of its communications system or to maintain the integrity and safety of the system, the grantee shall pursuant to the requirements of existing and subsequently enacted city ordinances, obtain all necessary approvals and applicable permits from the city prior to such trimming or removal. All tree trimming shall be done in accord with the standards of the Florida Urban Forestry Council and the American Society of Landscape Architects, except where following such standards would violate applicable federal, state, or city safety or tree trimming codes or regulations. Where such standards conflict, grantee shall follow the standards allowing the least trimming and pruning of trees.

(Ord. No. 02-03, Art. IV(9), 2-28-02)