§ 70-56. Setbacks.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Communication tower setbacks shall be measured from the base of the communication tower (for guy wires, the location of the guy wires shall be considered as part of the base of the tower) to the property line of the parcel on which it is located. Communication towers shall comply with the minimum setback requirements of the district in which they are located.


    For towers located in planned unit developments (PUDs), the setback requirements for the parcel upon which the tower is located as required by the PUD shall apply.


    When there are nonconforming residential uses on nonresidentially zoned property, a 50-percent reduction to the side or rear yard setback opposite the nonconforming residential use may be permitted by the city.

(Ord. No. 97-31, § 1 (29-9), 9-11-97)