§ 6-7. Package sale vendors.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Package sale vendor distance requirements established. For all those certain areas of land in the city that lie within 5,000 feet of a package sale vendor's place of business as established, located and licensed, regardless of whether such established place of business is located within or outside of the city, no other new relocated package sale vendor shall be permitted to open and/or start the business of package sales within that distance.


    Package sales within distance requirements restricted. The purpose of creating the distance requirements mentioned in subsection (a) of this section is to provide and require that no package sale vendor which is located or proposes to locate in the city shall be permitted to operate at a new location within a distance of 5,000 feet of the location of any package sale vendor which is both pre-existing at the time of the package sale vendor's application to operate at the new location and is located in any area of the city.


    Distance requirements not applied to renewal, change in name or ownership, or change in certain licenses. The distance requirements set forth in subsections (a) and (b) shall not be applied to the location of an existing package sale vendor when there is:


    A renewal of an existing license;


    A transfer in ownership;


    A change in business name; or


    A change in a state issued 4COP license for an existing package and lounge business to a 3PS license, and any decrease in the numerical designation of a state issued license which is of the same series (type); provided the physical location of the package sale vendor establishment does not change. No increase in the numerical designation of a series (type) of a state issued license which is of the same series (type) shall be permitted at or for a location (new or existing) except in compliance with the provisions of section 6-8.


    Measurement of distances. The distances provided in this section shall be measured by following the shortest route of ordinary pedestrian travel along the public thoroughfare from the proposed main entrance of a package sale vendor who proposes to operate the place of business and is licensed under the Beverage Law [F.S. chs. 561—568] to the main entrance of any other package sale vendor who is operating such business.

(Ord. No. 15-21, § II, 2-26-15)