§ 6-2. Business establishment doors, windows, location near church or school.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The word "school," as used in this section, shall mean any public, private or parochial institution conducting and offering to minors a course of general or vocational education and mental training.


    Any place of business in which intoxicating liquors, wines or beers are sold or furnished at retail by the glass or drink within the city shall open directly and immediately upon the street, and the front and windows of the place of business shall be made of clear and transparent glass. Except for restaurants and those vendors licensed in accordance with F.S. § 563.02(1)(a) or F.S. § 564.02(1)(a), such place of business shall not be less than 1,200 feet from a school or within 1,200 feet of an established church within the corporate limits. A new church may not locate within 1,200 feet of an existing alcoholic beverage establishment. These distances shall be measured by following the route of ordinary pedestrian travel along the public thoroughfare from the main entrance of such place of business to the main entrance of the church or school.


    The shortest route of ordinary pedestrian travel as used in this section shall mean that route of pedestrian travel nearest to the main entrance of the place of business of the vendor. The purpose of this subsection is to prevent the practical evasion of this chapter by the establishment of a circuitous route of pedestrian travel upon the property of the vendor in order to avoid a measurement of the closest available route of pedestrian travel.

(Code 1988, § 4-2)

Charter reference

Location of alcoholic beverage establishments, § 8(28).

Cross reference

Zoning, ch. 118.