§ 62-30. Regulation of setbacks and curb cuts.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of preserving free traffic flow on arterial and collector streets and minimizing marginal friction caused by land uses bordering such streets and to protect residential uses and the inhabitants of residences bordering such streets from hazards, noise, glare and fumes arising from a concentrated flow of traffic, the following practices shall be observed:


    Setbacks. Setbacks shall be subject to appropriate zoning district setback requirements.


    Curb cuts. No curb cuts shall be made in connection with any commercial or industrial structure or use unless and until plans showing the relation of such curb cut to structures and parking areas, if any, on the lot and to curb cuts, structures and parking areas on adjacent lots have been approved by the planning and zoning board and the city commission.

(Code 1988, § 18-20)