§ 58-73. Preparation of recyclable material for collection.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Identification of recyclables to be collected. The following materials are considered recyclable and suitable for curbside collection: All aluminum materials including cans, pipes, siding, etc.; four classifications of glass (brown, green, white and clear); paper goods including newspaper, computer paper, white file stock, but not magazines; plastics such as two-liter soft drink containers; tin-plated steel and bimetal cans; polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and high density polyethylene (HDPE); cardboard and corrugated containers; and any other solid waste materials which are from time to time designated by the director of public works for separation, collection and processing as part of or in connection with the recycling program (i.e., program recyclables).


    Storage. No person shall place any refuse or recyclable material in any street, alley or other public place or upon any private property, whether owned by such person or not, within the city, unless it is in the proper containers for collection or in metal or plastic-type containers or other type containers under express approval granted by the director. No person shall throw or deposit any refuse or recyclable material in any lake, stream, or other body of water.


    Unauthorized accumulation. Any unauthorized accumulation of refuse or recyclable material on any premises is declared to be a nuisance and is prohibited. Failure to remove any existing accumulation of refuse or recyclable material within such period as may be fixed in a written or printed notice of the director posted on the premises or delivered to the owner or occupant of the premises shall be deemed a violation of this article.


    Scattering of material. No person shall cast, place, sweep or deposit anywhere within the city any refuse or recyclable material upon any street, sidewalk, alley, sewer, parkway or other public place or into any occupied premises within the city or in such a manner that it may be carried or deposited by the elements upon a street, sidewalk, alley, sewer, parkway or other public place or into any occupied premises within the city.


    Preparation. Residents shall separate recyclable material from other garbage or rubbish and shall place the recyclable material in the plastic containers provided by the city. However, if the recyclable material is too numerous to fit into the plastic containers furnished by the city, the recyclable material may be staked and bound with a nonmetallic substance (e.g., rope, string or plastic) or placed in a large brown paper bag. All recyclable material being placed in approved containers provided by the city shall have been drained of all free liquids before being placed curbside for collection by the city. The containers shall be placed at the street curb or curbline for collection according to a schedule to be determined by the department of public works, and the weight of each container shall not exceed 40 pounds.


    Collection frequency. Recyclable materials accumulated by residences shall be collected at least once each week and otherwise as may be deemed necessary by the director.


    Ownership of materials. All recyclable material shall be separated from nonrecyclable material and placed in the plastic containers furnished by the city. From the time of placement at the curb by any resident of recyclable material for collection by the city pursuant to the program established by this article and the rules and regulations issued under this article, such materials shall become and be the property of the city. Furthermore, it shall be a violation of this article for any person other than the city or its designated agents, licensees, franchisees, employees, or contract representatives or any person with whom the city contractually agrees to allow to perform any or all of the following services: to collect, pick up, or cause to be collected or picked up any such recyclable material.


    Responsibility of owner/occupant. No person having custody or control of residential, industrial or business premises from which recyclable materials are collected within the city shall permit or cause recyclable materials within his control to become a hazard to public travel, health or safety or to become a nuisance of any sort.

(Code 1988, § 17-43)