§ 58-8. Tree trunks, limbs and other debris.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    For the purposes of this section, a parkway is defined as that portion of the street right-of-way paralleling any public thoroughfare between the curbline and the abutting property line.


    It shall be unlawful for any person to place or deposit or cause to be placed or deposited upon any of the streets, sidewalks, parkways, thoroughfares, public parks or other public places of the city any tree trunks or limbs or any trash, debris, papers, litter or rubbish or ashes or other discarded matter of whatever kind, except as specifically provided in this section.


    Any sweepings, leaves, debris, and trash resulting from ordinary trimming, care and upkeep of lawns, yards, shrubs, trees and hedges shall be deposited for collection in any easily accessible location as near the street right-of-way as practicable, on the property of the owner, tenant or person in possession thereof or on the parkway immediately in front of and contiguous to his property. Tree trunks and limbs resulting from ordinary trimming, care and upkeep may be deposited for collection and shall not exceed four inches in diameter and four feet in length. Papers, rags, magazines and the like may be deposited for collection, provided such matter is stored in sturdy containers which will, in all ordinary weather conditions, prevent such matter from being scattered about by the elements or animals. Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the placing of tree trunks or limbs resulting from the falling or removal of large trees or large number of trees or from the clearing of lots or other areas.


    The matter permitted to be placed in parkways under subsection (c) of this section shall be neatly placed, and wherever possible such matter shall be placed so as to allow convenient passage of persons and conveyances lawfully in such parkways. Collections by city forces shall be limited in volume to three cubic yards. Special collections can be arranged between the city and the property owner or occupants for bulky items, items weighing more than 40 pounds or items which require special handling on a basis of cost plus 20 percent.

(Code 1988, § 17-8)