§ 54-35. Optional forms of benefits.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In lieu of the amount and form of retirement income payable in the event of normal or early retirement as specified herein, a member, upon written request to the board, may elect to receive a retirement income or benefit of equivalent actuarial value payable in accordance with one of the following options:


    A retirement income of a monthly amount payable to the retiree for his lifetime, but with 120 monthly payments guaranteed in any event.


    A retirement income of a modified monthly amount, payable to the retiree during the lifetime of the retiree and following the death of the retiree, 100 percent, 75 percent, 66 2/3 percent or 50 percent of such monthly amount payable to a joint pensioner for his lifetime. Except where the retiree's joint pensioner is his spouse, the payments to the joint pensioner as a percentage of the payments to the retiree shall not exceed the applicable percentage provided for in the applicable table in the Treasury regulations. (See Q&A-2 of 1.401(a)(9)-6)


    If a member retires prior to the time at which Social Security benefits are payable, he may elect to receive an increased retirement benefit until such time as Social Security benefits shall be assumed to commence and a reduced benefit thereafter in order to provide, to as great an extent as possible, a more level retirement allowance during the entire period of retirement. The amounts payable shall be as recommended by the actuaries for the system, based upon the Social Security law in effect at the time of the member's retirement.


    For members who do not participate in the DROP pursuant to section 54-49 a member may elect a percentage of benefit in a lump sum as follows:


    Ten percent of the total actuarial equivalent value of the benefit paid as a lump sum with the remaining 90 percent paid under the normal form or as per subsection (1), (2) or (3) above.


    Fifteen percent of the total actuarial equivalent value of the benefit paid as a lump sum with the remaining 85 percent paid under the normal form or as per subsection (1), (2) or (3) above.


    Twenty percent of the total actuarial equivalent value of the benefit paid as a lump sum with the remaining 80 percent paid under the normal form or as per subsection (1), (2) or (3) above.


    Twenty-five percent of the total actuarial equivalent value of the benefit paid as a lump sum with the remaining 75 percent paid under the normal form or as per subsection (1), (2) or (3) above.


    The member, upon electing any option of this section, will designate the joint pensioner (subsection (a)(1) above) or beneficiary (or beneficiaries) to receive the benefit, if any, payable under the system in the event of member's death, and will have the power to change such designation from time to time. Such designation will name a joint pensioner or one or more primary beneficiaries where applicable. If a member has elected an option with a joint pensioner or beneficiary and member's retirement income benefits have commenced, the member may thereafter change his designated beneficiary at any time, but may only change his joint pensioner if the designated joint pensioner and the member were married at the time of member's retirement and are divorced subsequent thereto and the joint pensioner is alive at the time of the change; provided however, in no event may a member change his designated joint pensioner more than twice. In the absence of proof of good health of the joint pensioner being replaced, the actuary will assume that the joint pensioner has deceased for purposes of calculating the new payment.


    The consent of a member's or retiree's joint pensioner or beneficiary to any such change shall not be required. The rights of all previously designated beneficiaries to receive benefits under the system shall thereupon cease.


    Upon change of a retiree's joint pensioner in accordance with this section, the amount of the retirement income payable to the retiree shall be actuarially determined to take into account the age and sex of the former joint pensioner, the new joint pensioner and the retiree. Any such retiree shall pay the actuarial recalculation expenses. Each request for a change will be made in writing on a form prepared by the board and on completion will be filed with the board. In the event that no designated beneficiary survives the retiree, such benefits as are payable in the event of the death of the retiree subsequent to his retirement shall be paid as provided in section 54-36.


    Retirement income payments shall be made under the option elected in accordance with the provisions of this section and shall be subject to the following limitations:


    If a member dies prior to his normal retirement date or early retirement date, whichever first occurs, no retirement benefit will be payable under the option to any person, but the benefits, if any, will be determined under section 54-32.


    If the designated beneficiary (or beneficiaries) or joint pensioner dies before the member's retirement under the system, the option elected will be canceled automatically and a retirement income of the normal form and amount will be payable to the member upon his retirement as if the election had not been made, unless a new election is made in accordance with the provisions of this section or a new beneficiary is designated by the member prior to his retirement.


    If both the retiree and the beneficiary (or beneficiaries) designated by member or retiree die before the full payment has been effected under any option providing for payments for a period certain and life thereafter, made pursuant to the provisions of subsection (a) above, the board may, in its discretion, direct that the commuted value of the remaining payments be paid in a lump sum and in accordance with section 54-36.


    If a member continues beyond his normal retirement date pursuant to the provisions of subsection 54-31(a), and dies prior to his actual retirement and while an option made pursuant to the provisions of this section is in effect, monthly retirement income payments will be made, or a retirement benefit will be paid, under the option to a beneficiary (or beneficiaries) designated by the member in the amount or amounts computed as if the member had retired under the option on the date on which his death occurred.


    The member's benefit under this section must begin to be distributed to the member no later than April 1 of the calendar year following the later of the calendar year in which the member attains age 70½ or the calendar year in which the member terminates employment with the city.


    A retiree may not change his retirement option after the date of cashing or depositing his first retirement check.


    Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the board in its discretion, may elect to make a lump sum payment to a member or a member's beneficiary in the event that the total commuted value of the monthly income payments to be paid do not exceed $1,000.00. Any such payment made to any person pursuant to the power and discretion conferred upon the board by the preceding sentence shall operate as a complete discharge of all obligations under the system with regard to such member and shall not be subject to review by anyone, but shall be final, binding and conclusive on all persons.

(Ord. No. 11-33, § 1, 10-27-11; Ord. No. 17-01, § 7, 4-13-17)