§ 50-121. Acts constituting disorderly conduct.  

Latest version.
  • Commission of the following acts shall constitute disorderly conduct:


    Any person who shall act in a violent or tumultuous manner towards another so as to place him or her, or any other person in reasonable fear of safety for his or her life, limb, or health;


    Any person who shall act in a violent or tumultuous manner towards another with the result that his property, or that of any other person is placed in danger of being destroyed or damaged;


    Any person who shall cause, provoke or engage in any fight, brawl or riotous conduct;


    Any person who shall assemble or congregate with another or others with the intent to engage in conduct which is prohibited by the ordinances of the city, by the laws of the state, or by federal law;


    Any person who shall frequent any public place with intent to obtain money from another by illegal or fraudulent schemes, tricks, artifices or devices;


    Any person who shall accost or attempt to force his company upon any other person;


    Any person who shall use "fighting words" directed towards any person who thereby becomes outraged;


    Any person who shall by acts or threats of violence interfere with another's pursuit of a lawful occupation;


    Any person who shall, after being ordered by a law enforcement officer to disburse, congregates with another or others in or on any public right-of-way so as to halt or materially impair the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic;


    Any person who, after being order to move by law enforcement officers, remains in or on any public street or sidewalk in such a manner as to block or impair movement of vehicles or pedestrians.

(Ord. No. 99-25, § II, 2-25-99)