§ 42-273. Exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The following shall be exempt from payment of the interim proprietary and general services fee:


    Property for which a building permit application, in proper form and order, was filed in good faith prior to the effective date of the ordinance from which this article derives;


    Property consisting of a structure currently reflected on the county tax roll, where a certificate of occupancy is required for purposes of an alteration or remodeling of an existing residential, nonresidential or lodging unit which does not entail an increase in square footage, or an expansion to a single-family dwelling;


    Property owned and operated by federal, state or local government and used for a governmental or public purpose, or government-owned property leased to a person or organization which uses the property exclusively for tax-exempt purposes under state or federal laws; and


    Anyone required to pay the interim services fee who performs an independent study based on competent substantial evidence which reasonably calculates a lesser fee for the city services to be used shall be entitled to pay the lesser fee. The evidence and calculations must be approved by the city finance director.


    Any claim of exemption under subsections (a)(1) through (a)(4) of this section must be made at the time of application for the building permit; any claim made subsequent thereto shall be considered untimely and not entitled to an exemption. The property owner must present to the building official sufficient and satisfactory documentation to verify that the property owner or property owner's land use qualified for one of the exemptions in subsection (a) of this section.

(Code 1988, § 20-66)