§ 42-100. Recreation impact fee schedule.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The recreation impact fee is hereby charged to each applicant by the city and shall be due and payable at the time of issuance of a building permit for the construction of any structure to be used for a residential use, and shall be determined in accordance with the following schedule:

    Structure As of 3/1/2015
    (1) Single-family, per unit
    (2) Multi-family, per unit
    (3) Mobile home



    The fees imposed for residential construction are a result of the city's fee calculation study, which is designed to ensure that the impact fees imposed are reasonably related to the benefit received by the applicant.


    In the event that an applicant for a building permit contends that the new building for which the building permit is requested is not within the categories set forth in subsection (a) above, or is within a different category, then the city manager shall make a determination as to the appropriate category. Such determination may be appealed to the city commission, whose decision shall be final and binding on the applicant.


    In the event that an applicant believes the impact of the construction will be less than that set forth above, the applicant may, at his option, submit evidence to the city commission in support of an alternative assessment. Based upon convincing and competent evidence, the city commission may adjust the impact fee charged to the applicant as appropriate for the particular property.

(Code 1988, § 11.5-55; Ord. No. 98-87, § 5, 12-10-98; Ord. No. 04-17, § 1, 8-12-04; Ord. No. 15-11, § II, 1-22-15)