§ 38-155. Prohibited acts.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful for any person to produce, cause to be produced, allow to be produced or project, by any means, any sound or noise across a property line in such manner as to create a sound level which exceeds the limits set forth for the receiving land use listed in section 38-156 when measured at or within the property line of the receiving property. For any activity or use of land or buildings not expressly listed in the zoning districts in the city, the city commission, upon notice to the owner or occupant of the property producing sound, may determine the category of use under this article for which the activity or use is to be considered. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the existence of a noise which relates to the receiving land use listed in section 38-156 may be determined by the city's law enforcement officers, code enforcement officers, code inspectors, and/or their agents pursuant to section 38-160(a)(1).


    Notwithstanding any violation of subsection (a) above, the following specific uses, activities and circumstances are declared to be in violation of this article:


    Radios, television sets, exterior loudspeakers, musical instruments, and similar devices. Operating or permitting the use or operation of any radio receiving set, exterior loudspeaker, amplified sound equipment, musical instrument, phonograph, television set, or other machine or device for the production or reproduction of sound in such a manner as to create a noise across the boundary of the property, including, without limitation, public and private rights-of-way from which the noise originates. In addition to the preceding, radios, cassette players, disk players and similar devices associated with motor vehicles or motorboats, shall not be operated or amplified in such a manner as to be felt or clearly heard at 25 feet or more from such device, when operated or parked on a public or private right-of-way or public or private space. In determining whether such devices may be clearly heard, the city's law enforcement officers, code enforcement officers, code inspectors, and/or their agents must utilize their normal auditory senses without any enhancements or hearing aids. Particular words or phrases or the name of any song or artist are not required to be identified. The detection of a rhythmic bass reverberating sound shall be sufficient to determine if a violation has occurred. To the extent that the Florida Uniform Traffic Control Law provisions regulate noise originating from within public or private rights of way, those provisions shall apply where currently existing or as amended.


    Construction equipment and activity. Operating or causing to be operated any equipment or performing any outside activity in furtherance of construction, repair, alteration or demolition work on buildings, structures, roads, or projects within the city except between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, excluding all legal, state, and nationally recognized holidays. A variance may be obtained as set forth in this article from the city for such construction or repair work outside of such hours.


    Engine mufflers. Operation of any internal combustion engine, including but not limited to an engine associated with a motor boat, or motor vehicle without a muffler or other effective sound-dampening device which functions as designed by the manufacturer muffler or other effective sound-dampening device, which prevents loud or explosive noise therefrom.


    Motor vehicle, motorcycle or motorboat repair in residential areas. Repairing, rebuilding, modifying or testing any motor vehicle, off-road vehicle, or motorboat within or abutting any residential land use designation in such a manner as to create noise across the boundary of the property, including without limitation, public and private rights-of-way from which the noise originated between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.


    Activities in the vicinity of schools, courts, churches, and hospitals. Creating sound on any street adjacent to any school, court, church, or hospital which sound constitutes a noise as perceived from the interior of such institution.


    Peddlers, hawkers, or vendors. It shall be unlawful for peddlers, hawkers, or vendors to shout or cry along or on a roadway in such a manner as to create noise on property outside the right-of-way.


    Drums, cymbals, and amplified sound equipment. Creating, making, or maintaining any sound by the use of any drum, cymbals, amplified sound equipment, or other similar instruments in the city for the purpose of attracting attention to any performance, show, sale, or display of merchandise, or place of business so that a noise is projected across the boundary of the property from which the noise originates.


    Bells or sirens on vehicles. Using, in connection with an unauthorized vehicle, any bell or siren similar to that used on ambulances or vehicles of the police, fire departments, and other public safety agencies.


    Skateboard ramps. Using any skateboard ramp or similar configuration for skateboarding or rollerblading between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. in a residential land use designation in a manner that results in noise across the boundary of the property from which the noise originates.


    Air blow or vacuum cleaners. Operating any air-blow or vacuum cleaning equipment or similar devices for the cleaning of parking lots, walkways, driveways, or similar areas between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. that results in noise across the boundary of the property from which the noise originates.


    Places of public entertainment. It shall be unlawful for any public entertainment establishment or person associated with or working for said establishment to operate, play or permit the operation or playing of any radio, television, phonograph, drum, musical instrument, sound amplifier, or similar device between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. in such a manner as to create a noise across the boundary of the property from which the noise originates.


    Landscape maintenance. Undertaking landscape maintenance activities in such a manner as to create noise across the boundary of the property from which the noise originates between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Golf courses engaged in the regular maintenance of greens, fairways, practice areas, etc. are exempt from this provision.


    Powered model vehicles. Operating or permitting the operation of powered model vehicles in such a manner as to create noise across the boundary of the property from which the noise originates between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.


    Animal noises. It shall be unlawful for the owner or custodian of any animal to permit such animal to habitually bark, whine, howl, squawk, screech, bray, crow or cause any other noise which constitutes a noise experienced across the boundary of the property from which the noise originates.


    Loading docks. It shall be unlawful for any commercial or industrial establishment to engage in any loading or unloading of equipment or merchandise from a vehicle between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. where such activity results in a noise being generated across the boundary of the property from which the noise originates onto property occupied for residential purposes.


    Activities within the vicinity of sleeping quarters. Actions or activities between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. resulting in transmission of a sound across the boundary line of the property where the actions or activities occurs such that the sound constitutes a noise as perceived from within the interior of a building used for residential or lodging purposes.

(Code 1988, § 11-47; Ord. No. 05-36, § 4, 7-14-05; Ord. No. 12-33, § II, 6-28-12; Ord. No. 13-18, § I, 4-11-13)