§ 38-93. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this article, the following words and terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed:

    Actual cost shall mean the actual contract amount, as invoiced by an independent contractor, for terminating and abating a violation of this article on any lot, tract or parcel of residential or commercial property pursuant to an order of the zoning director, plus the cost of serving notice, obtaining title information, advertising and recording any liens imposed hereunder.

    Code enforcement division manager shall mean the Manager of the City of Winter Garden, or authorized designee.

    Code enforcement inspector shall mean a code enforcement division inspector of the code enforcement division, and may include the code enforcement division manager.

    Compost bin shall mean a container which is designed for the purpose of allowing plant material to decompose for use as fertilizer. For purposes of this article, any such compost bin shall be constructed of wire, wood lattice or other material which allows air to filter through the structure. The maximum permissible capacity for any compost bin shall be 64 square feet with a maximum height of five feet.

    Excessive growth shall mean, grass, weeds or brush that has reached a height of at least 18 inches.

    Exterior portion of any building shall mean those portions of a building which are open-sided, such that the open space within such portions of the building may be lawfully viewed by the public or any member thereof from a sidewalk, street, alleyway, parking lot or from any adjoining or neighboring premises. This definition includes such open-sided structures as carports and porches.

    Exterior portion of the property shall mean those portions of a lot, tract or parcel of land which is either (1) outside of any building erected thereon, or (2) if there is no building erected thereon the entire lot, tract or parcel, regardless of whether such portions are exposed to public view or are surrounded by a fence, wall, hedge or other similar structure. For purposes of this article, the term "exterior portion of the property" shall include the "exterior portion of any building" only where specifically stated.

    Fill shall mean material such as dirt that is imported and deposited on property by artificial means.

    Garbage container shall mean a container made of nonabsorbent material provided with a close-fitting cover, side bail handles, and of 32 gallons or less gross capacity, capable of receiving and holding waste material without leakage or escape of odors, or a waterproof bag of strength and material capable of receiving and holding waste material without leakage or escape of odors.

    Grass, weeds, or brush shall mean any grass or weeds, or brush typical of the state which, when allowed to grow in a wild and unkempt manner, will reach a height of 18 inches or more. This definition does not include bushes, shrubs, trees, vines, flowering plants, or any other living plant life typically used and actually being used for landscaping purposes.

    Imminent public health threat shall mean the condition of any lot, tract or parcel or land that, because of the accumulation of junk, trash, or debris, such as broken glass, rusted metal, automotive and appliance parts, some of which may contain chemicals, such as Freon, oils, fluids, etc., may cause injury or disease to humans or contaminate the environment, or the condition of any lot, tract or parcel that, because of the excessive growth of grass, weeds, bush or is a harbor for criminal activity.

    Improved property shall mean any lot, tract or parcel of land in the city used for residential, commercial, professional office or industrial purposes which contains one or more buildings or structures, paving or other improvements, excluding solely underground utilities, pipes, wires, cable culverts, conduits or other similar improvements.

    Mechanical garbage container shall mean any portable, nonabsorbent container approved by the board of city commissioners which is used to store large volumes of refuse and which is emptied by mechanical means.

    Nonliving plant material shall mean nonliving vegetation such as leaves, grass cuttings, shrubbery cuttings, tree trimmings and other material attending the care of lawns, shrubs, vines and trees.

    Property shall mean any lot, tract or parcel of land, or portion thereof, whether improved or unimproved, that is utilized or zoned for residential, commercial, professional office or industrial use, or any lot, tract or parcel of land, or portion thereof, whether improved or unimproved, that is zoned agricultural but is being utilized, as determined by the code enforcement division manager, for residential, nonagricultural commercial, professional office or nonagricultural industrial use.

    Trash, junk and debris shall mean waste material, including, but not limited to, putrescible and nonputrescible waste, combustible and noncombustible waste, and generally all materials such as paper, cardboard, tin cans, lumber, concrete rubble, glass, bedding, crockery, household furnishings, household appliances, dismantled pieces of motor vehicles or other machinery, rubber tires or rusted metal articles of any kind.

    Unimproved property shall mean any lot, tract or parcel of land in the city used for residential, commercial, professional office or industrial purposes which does not contain any buildings or structures, paving or other improvements, but may include solely underground utilities, pipes, wires, cables, culverts, conduits or other similar improvements.

    All other words and terms shall be from the latest edition of Webster Dictionary.

(Ord. No. 08-06, § 2, 1-10-08; Ord. No. 09-01, § 2, 1-5-09; Ord. No. 11-21, § 1, 10-13-11)