§ 2-253. Absentee voting and ballots.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. In addition to the provisions set forth in this article, absentee voting in municipal elections shall be permitted and governed by the provisions of the Florida Statutes governing absentee ballots and such provisions are hereby adopted as a means of providing for absentee voting in any authorized municipal election; provided, that all forms required to be prepared by the city clerk and executed in her/his presence shall be prepared by the city clerk, but may be deposited by her/him with the Supervisor of Elections of Orange County and all functions of the city clerk in connection with the handling of such absentee ballots, including but not limited to the verification of signatures, the handling of applications thereof, the issuance of the ballot and receipt and disposition of ballots, may be handled by the Supervisor of Elections of Orange County; except, that all absentee ballots for voting in municipal elections received by the supervisor of elections shall be turned over and delivered to the city canvassing board and such ballots shall be canvassed by the city canvassing board in the manner prescribed by Florida Statute.


    Receipt and return of absentee ballots.


    Any elector may request an absentee ballot in the manner prescribed by F.S. § 101.62.


    Any elector may designate, by written authorization in the manner prescribed in F.S. § 101.62(4)(b)(4), a person to pick up and/or return the ballot for the elector; however, the person designated may not pick up and/or return more than two absentee ballots per election other than the designee's own ballot, except that additional ballots may be picked up and/or returned for members of the designee's immediate family. For purposes of this section, "immediate family" means the designee's spouse or the parent, child, grandparent or sibling of the designee or of the designee's spouse. The designee and elector must comply with the provisions of F.S. § 101.62(4)(b)(4). An absentee ballot not cast in person: 1) must be mailed to the supervisor of elections or 2) delivered directly to the supervisor of elections by the elector or 3) delivered directly to the supervisor of elections by the elector's designee on election day but in no instance earlier than five days prior to election day. An absentee ballot cast in person must be cast as provided for in the Florida Statutes.


    Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the supervisor of elections from providing supervised voting for absent electors residing in adult congregate living facilities or nursing home facilities as those terms are defined in F.S. ch. 400, provided said supervised voting complies with the provisions of F.S. § 101.655.


    The provisions of this article shall not be construed to prohibit any elector from voting in person at the elector's precinct on the day of a city election notwithstanding that the elector has requested an absentee ballot for that election provided that the provisions of F.S. § 101.69, are followed.

(Ord. No. 08-40, § 2, 8-14-08)