§ 2-251. General and runoff elections; taking office.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Election dates and terms of office. Beginning in March 1998, regular municipal elections shall be held on the second Tuesday in March of each year in which the term of office for mayor-commissioner or a city commissioner expires, unless the date and time of such election is otherwise changed by the city commission to coincide with a presidential preference primary in accordance with general law. The terms of office of the mayor and the city commissioners shall be as follows:


    The current terms for the office of mayor-commissioner and all seats on the city commission shall be extended and continue until such time as his respective successor is sworn in.


    The mayor-commissioner shall be elected for a three-year term at a regular municipal election held in 2008 and shall thereafter be elected for a three-year term at a regular municipal election to be held every three years thereafter.


    One city commissioner shall be elected for a three-year term at a regular municipal election to be held in 2008 and shall thereafter be elected for three-year terms at a regular municipal election to be held every three years thereafter. Such city commissioner shall be elected to District No. 1.


    Three city commissioners shall be elected for a three-year term at a regular municipal election to be held in 2009 and shall thereafter be elected for three-year terms at a regular municipal election to be held every three years thereafter. Such city commissioners shall be elected to District No. 2, District No. 3 and District No. 4.

    Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a)(1) through (4) of this section, the term of office of any person elected to the office of mayor-commissioner or the office of city commissioner shall commence upon being sworn into office and continue until such time as the respective successor of such officeholder is sworn into office.


    Runoff election date. If no single candidate receives greater than 50 percent of the votes cast within a district general election, a runoff election shall be held on the second Tuesday of the month following the month of the district general election producing the need for a runoff. If necessary, the city commission may change the date of the runoff election by resolution to coordinate the runoff election with other municipalities' elections or to comply with requirements of the county supervisor of elections, provided that such runoff election is held no later than seven weeks after the general election warranting the runoff. The two candidates receiving the greatest votes within a district shall be the only candidates on the ballot for such runoff election. In the event there is a tie between the second and third placing candidates within a district, such candidates will draw lots with the city clerk to determine who will be placed on the runoff ballot as soon as possible after the election results have been certified by the canvassing board. In the event of a tie during the runoff election, the winner of the runoff election shall be selected by a flip of a coin administered by the city clerk.


    Taking office. Any person elected to the office of mayor-commissioner or the office of city commissioner shall be sworn into office at the next regularly scheduled city commission meeting held after the results of the election for that office are declared by the canvassing board. The swearing in of commission members shall occur at such city commission meeting after approval of the minutes from the previous meeting(s) and prior to conducting new and old business. The incumbent mayor-commissioner and city commissioners shall continue to hold their respective offices until their respective successors are sworn into office.


    Lack of qualified candidate. If no candidate qualifies for the office of mayor-commissioner or a specific seat on the city commission when such office or seat is up for election, then such office or seat shall be declared vacant by the canvassing board at its meeting following the regular municipal election. Thereafter, the city commission shall take steps to fill such vacancy in accordance with Section 17 of the Charter.

(Ord. No. 08-40, § 2, 8-14-08; Ord. No. 12-03, § 2, 1-26-12)