§ 2-92. Classes of violations and penalties.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Violations of city codes or ordinances and the applicable civil penalties shall be classified as follows:

    Classification Penalty Civil Penalty
    Class I $ 50.00
    Class II 100.00
    Class III 200.00
    Class IV 300.00
    Class V 400.00



    Each successive repeated violation of a particular code or ordinance section shall be subject to a civil penalty for the next higher violation classification. For example, a second violation of a Class I violation will be fined as a Class II violation, a third violation of a Class I violation will be fined as a Class III violation, and so on.


    City codes and ordinances subsequently enacted or amended may set forth the applicable civil penalty for violations by designating the appropriate violation classification as provided in subsection (a) of this section.