§ 2-82. Applicable codes and ordinances.  

Latest version.
  • A schedule of codes and ordinances, which may be enforced pursuant to the supplemental code enforcement citation procedures contained herein, is attached to Ordinance No. 01-05 as Exhibit "A. The schedule of codes and ordinances shall include such codes and ordinances as they may be from time to time amended, renumbered, codified or recodified including codes and ordinances enacted subsequent to the adoption of this article. The schedule of codes and ordinances set forth in Exhibit "A" endeavors to include the civil infractions of city codes and ordinances to be enforced by citation, but is not all-inclusive. All violations of city codes and ordinances, except as prohibited by law, including violations of codes and ordinances subsequently enacted may be enforced by citation without further amendment to this article. All violations of codes and ordinances not listed in Exhibit "A" shall be penalized as Class I violations unless the applicable section of such code or ordinance lists a specific civil penalty in which case the specifically listed civil penalty shall control. Violations of Chapter 74 of the Code of Ordinances, "Traffic and Vehicles", shall continue to be penalized according to the civil penalties listed in Chapter 74 as they may now exist or be from time to time amended.


    Paragraph Short Title Assigned Class
    Chapter 6 Alcoholic Beverages
    Sec. 6-4(a)—(e) Violation of time for selling alcoholic beverages 2
    Sec. 6-5 Possession, consumption in public 1
    Chapter 10 Amusements and Entertainment
    Sec. 10-242 Failure to obtain permit for entertainment festival 2
    Chapter 14 Animals
    Article I, II, III Violation of animal control ordinance See Orange County Code
    Chapter 18 Buildings and Building Regulations
    Sec. 18-91;
    Sec. 18-91.5
    Failure to obtain a required building permit when the valuation of the improvement is less than $5,000.00 3
    Sec. 18-91;
    Sec. 18-91.5
    Failure to obtain a required building permit when the valuation of the improvement is $5,000.00 or greater 4
    Sec. 18-121 Occupying a residential building without a CO 3
    Sec. 18-121 Occupying a nonresidential building without a CO 5
    Sec. 18-357 Failure to display assigned street numbers—Residential 1
    Sec. 18-357 Failure to display assigned street numbers—Non-Residential 2
    Chapter 22 Businesses
    Sec. 22-27(1)—(4) Failure to comply with solicitation laws 1
    Sec. 22-28 Failure to obtain open-air vendor permit 3
    Sec. 22-32 Failure to comply with permitting requirements 1
    Sec. 22-61 Failure to obtain roll-off container service permit 3
    Sec. 22-99 Failure to obtain or comply with terms of motion photography production permit 4
    Article V Failure to comply with residential garage sale laws 1
    Chapter 26 Cemeteries
    Sec. 26-35(a)—(o) Violation of rules of conduct in cemetery 1
    Sec. 26-36(a)—(e) Violation of motor vehicle operating rules in cemetery 1
    Sec. 26-43(a)—(f) Failure to comply with rules for trees, shrubs, and flowers in cemetery 1
    Chapter 30 Civil Emergencies
    Sec. 30-29 Violation of automatic emergency measures 4
    Sec. 30-30 Violation of discretionary emergency measures 3
    Chapter 34 Emergency Services
    Sec. 34-52(c)(5) False alarms, 5th response within 6 months 3
    Chapter 38 Environment
    Sec. 38-56(a) Excessive accumulation or untended growth of weeds, undergrowth or other dead or living plant life or stagnant water, rubbish, debris, trash and all other objectionable, unsightly or unsanitary matter 2
    Sec. 38-56(b) Condition of a general nuisance nature and menace to the public health, safety and welfare or any condition creating a circumstance whereby the property or the safety of persons traveling upon the streets, road rights-of-way or sidewalks 3
    Sec. 38-57 Improper storing of rubbish 2
    Sec. 38-58 Unauthorized accumulation of rubbish 2
    Sec. 38-59 Actions to allow scattering of refuse 3
    Sec. 38-60 Failure to keep premises clean 2
    Sec. 38-61 Discharging foul water or depositing decaying matter 2
    Sec. 38-62 Allowing mosquito breeding places to exist 2
    Sec. 38-121, 38-122 Littering 1
    Sec. 38-155 Violation of Noise Code 2
    Sec. 38-166 Failure to obtain permit for sound amplifier 1
    Chapter 50 Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions
    Sec. 50-31, 50-32, 50-33 Violation of Picketing Code 2
    Sec. 50-62(a) Violation of Fireworks Code 2
    Sec. 50-92 Panhandling 2
    Sec. 50-121 Disorderly conduct 1
    Sec. 50-151 Engaging in prohibited acts in public areas 1
    Chapter 58 Solid Waste
    Sec. 58-3(g) Failure to provide proper refuse containers at construction site 2
    Sec. 58-5(1) Improper placement of debris on property 1
    Sec. 58-5(3) Placing or allowing placement of rubbish or debris into street, alley, or drainage system 1
    Sec. 58-5(4) Failure to remove existing accumulation of refuse or rubbish 3
    Sec. 58-8(b), (c) Improper placement of tree trunks, limbs, and other debris 1
    Chapter 62 Streets and Sidewalks
    Sec. 62-62 Planting of trees, shrubs, or bushes on city rights-of-way without prior consent of city commission 1
    Sec. 62-64 Creating or allowing a traffic hazard of a plant, bush shrub or tree on private property after 30 days of notification 2
    Sec. 62-132 Failure to obtain permit for construction 4
    Article VII Failure to obtain permit; failure to comply with sidewalk cafes and merchandise display requirements and law 3
    Chapter 66 Taxation
    Sec. 66-93(b) Operating without an occupational license 4
    Sec. 66-93(c) Failure to pay occupational license fee within 149 days of tax due notice 2
    Chapter 71 Cable Communications
    Article II Failure to comply with terms and conditions under a franchise or pursuant to a franchise agreement including, but not limited to, the provision of required data and documents 3
    Article IV Violation of operational rules 5
    Chapter 74 Traffic and Vehicles
    Sec. 74-137 Failure to obtain parade permit
    Sec. 74-139 Interference with a properly permitted parade or motorcade
    Chapter 78 Utilities
    Sec. 78-32 Creation of a cross connection with private water supply 2
    Sec. 78-36(a), (b) Tampering with city utility property 3
    Sec. 78-36(c) Furnishing water to any other person via temporary means 3
    Sec. 78-41 Discharge of extreme waste into sanitary sewer 3
    Sec. 78-42 Unauthorized connection or discharge of waste to sewer system 2
    Sec. 78-43 Unauthorized disposal of waste petroleum products 3
    Chapter 82 Vehicles for Hire
    Sec. 82-29 Operating without proper insurance 1
    Sec. 82-56 Operating without proper permit 1
    Sec. 82-88 Failure to display trade name 1
    Sec. 82-89 Failure to post schedule of rates 1
    Sec. 82-93 Unauthorized use of streets 1
    Sec. 82-94 Soliciting passengers on streets 1
    Sec. 82-95 Engaging in cruising 1
    Chapter 102 Signs
    Sec. 102-4 Erecting, placing or maintaining illegal signs 1
    Sec. 102-57(a), Sec. 102-58(a) Failure to obtain permits for all new signs which are not exempt 2
    Sec. 102-61 Failure to maintain signs 2
    Article III, Div. 3 Violation of temporary on-site sign regulations 1
    Article III, Div. 4 Violation of temporary off-premises sign regulations 1
    Chapter 106 Stormwater Management
    Sec. 106-16 Failure to control dust, dirt and construction site runoff 4
    Sec. 106-17(2) Failure to control stormwater quality 5
    Chapter 110 Subdivisions
    Sec. 110-5(b) Failure to obtain a land clearing permit 2
    Sec. 110-363 Violation of right-of-way utilization regulations 5
    Chapter 114 Vegetation
    Sec. 114-64(a) Violation of tree removal regulations 1
    Chapter 118 Zoning
    Sec. 118-11 Violation of camping regulations 1
    Sec. 118-96 Failure to obtain a special exception permit when required 2
    Sec. 118-1126(1) Storage, sale, repair or parking of motor vehicles on a public street, parkway, or sidewalk 1
    Sec. 118-1126(2) Impeding free flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic in normal courses on public ways 1
    Sec. 118-1126(3) Failure to maintain motor vehicles being handled, stored or repaired in such condition that they may be moved under their own power at any time, except such vehicles as may be stored or under repair in garages or other buildings as provided in this division 1
    Sec. 118-1126(4) Repairing of motor vehicles or parts thereof other than within garages, service stations, body shops, or other enclosed building provided for such purposes, and storing of or parts of motor vehicles in other than an enclosed building 2
    Sec. 118-1127(b), (c) Unauthorized storage of disabled motor vehicles 1
    Sec. 118-1297(a) Failure to comply with the general fence requirements 1
    Sec. 118-1297(b) Failure to comply with the swimming pool fences regulations 3
    Sec. 118-1297(c) Failure to comply with the electrical fences regulations 1
    Sec. 118-1297(d) Failure to comply with the barbed wire fences regulations 1
    Sec. 118-1297(e) Failure to comply with the hazardous fences regulations 1
    Sec. 118-1297(f) Failure to obtain fence permit when required 1
    Sec. 118-1297(h) Failure to comply with the chain link fences regulations 1
    Sec. 118-1310(f) Constructing or placing prohibited accessory buildings and structures 2
    Sec. 118-1386 Violation of off-street parking requirements (number of spaces) 1
    Sec. 118-1387 Violation of off-street parking location requirements 1


(Ord. No. 02-40, § 1, 12-12-02)