§ 27-3. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purposes of this article, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. The pronouns "he" and "his" include the pronouns "she" and "her, and the use of his/her means "his or her."

    Alcoholic beverage means distilled spirits and all beverages containing one-half of one percent or more alcohol by volume, including beer and wine. Medicines or drugs dispensed pursuant to a physician's prescription are excluded.

    Amplified sound equipment and/or sound-emanating equipment means music, sound wave, vibration or speech projected or transmitted by electronic equipment, including, but not limited to, public address systems, amplifiers, horns and megaphones.

    Animal means any cat, dog, horse, fowl and living creature other than a human.

    Applicant means any person seeking a permit to use or conduct an activity in a park or recreation area or facility.

    City means the City of Winter Garden.

    City commission means the governing body of the City of Winter Garden.

    City manager means the chief administrative officer of the City of Winter Garden or his/her designee.

    Civic, educational or community service group means any not-for-profit group primarily devoted to the advancement of civic, educational or community service purposes.

    Community facility means a building owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the city which is made available for reserved use by members of the public.

    Domestic animal means any animal not deemed to be a wild or exotic animal pursuant to Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission regulations.

    Facility means any building, structure, or location owned, equipped and maintained by the city for public use.

    Lewd or lascivious act means any one or more of those acts defined in F.S. § 800.04(4), (5), (6) and (7) or F.S. § 825.1025, as may be amended from time to time, regardless of the age of the victim(s) or observer(s) of such acts.

    Limited membership group means denominational groups, partisan political groups, labor organizations and other such groups where membership is limited or not open to the general public.

    Loiter or prowl shall have the same meaning as used in F.S. § 856.021, as may be amended from time to time.

    Nonrecurring use means infrequent use of a specific facility or the use of a facility on a special event basis (i.e., annual picnics, private parties or company-sponsored events).

    Organized play means six persons or more engaging in a team sport athletic contest, such as, but not limited to, soccer, baseball, softball, football, basketball, or volleyball; this shall not apply for infrequent use.

    Park means all real properties owned or controlled by the city and designated on a map maintained in the office of the city clerk, regardless of the extent of development or official designation, which serve as picnic grounds, recreation areas, nature areas and public fishing waters. Use of the term "park" in this article generally refers to those parks which are not used for organized scheduled activities. Park facilities include, but are not limited to, open space play areas, picnic shelters or pavilions, park benches, bike trails, fishing piers, boat ramps, restrooms, etc. The term "park" also refers to urban open spaces that are maintained for public use.

    Permit means any written license issued by or under the authority of the city manager or the city commission permitting a use, event or activity in a park or recreation area or facility.

    Person means any individual, child, firm, association, partnership, estate, trust, business trust, syndicate, fiduciary, corporation, and all other groups or combinations thereof.

    Political activities means activities engaged in by candidates for public office, political groups, political parties or political committees.

    Professional association means a group formed by practitioners of a specific profession or occupation.

    Recreation facility means a building, structure, field, court, or park owned, leased or otherwise controlled by the city for public use which hosts organized recreational activities for teams and individuals or which provides active facility sites for non-organized leisure play. Recreation facilities include, but are not limited to, ballfields, tennis courts, shuffleboard courts, and playgrounds.

    Recurring use means repeated use of a specific facility on a regularly scheduled basis (i.e., leagues, organized play, monthly meetings, etc.).

    Reserved use means exclusive, permitted use for one or more occasions.

    Resident means a person or the minor children of the person who owns or leases real property within the city limits or who maintains either voter registration or a bona fide domicile within the city limits. For the purpose of assessing fees for use of city facilities, the term "resident" also includes persons who reside outside the city limits but are customers of the city's water utility.

    Service animal means any animal such as a seeing-eye dog or hearing-ear dog used to assist a person with a disability or an animal trained for law enforcement purposes and under the control of a law enforcement officer.

    Sexual activity means the same as defined in F.S. § 800.04(1)(a), as may be amended from time to time.

    Special event means an event that takes place on any publicly owned property, sidewalk, alley, park, lake or other publicly owned outdoor location, which, because of its scope and impact on surrounding areas and the potential need for provision of extra services by the city, requires a permit issued by the city manager in accordance with article 4 of this chapter. Special events include, but are not limited to circuses, carnivals, concerts, festivals, parades, special photography or any other event involving the anticipated assembly of 100 or more participants, spectators or other persons. Special events that require the closure of a public street(s) must be approved by the city commission. The location of a special event shall require the approval of the city manager. Special events do not include activities sponsored by the city or activities conducted by athletic organizations that utilize public facilities and have a current existing contract agreement with the city to do so.

    Vehicle means every device in, upon or by which any person or property may be transported or drawn upon a highway, excepting devices used exclusively upon station rails or tracks.

(Ord. No. 12-23, § 1, 5-24-12)