§ 26-38. Conditions of burial.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Only one interment shall be made in a single grave, crypt, or niche in the cemetery, except that in a grave a mother and infant or two children in one coffin or the cremated remains of any two persons or one cremated remains and an immediate family member in one grave, may be buried together.


    Lot owners or their heirs desiring graves opened shall secure the necessary disinterment permit from the state and deliver such to the city manager or his designee.


    The city shall not be responsible for errors in location of graves or lots arising from improper instruction of lot owners. Orders from funeral directors shall be construed as orders from owners.


    No person shall be buried in any lot in which such person did not have a legal interest, except by written consent of all parties having a legal interest in such lot, as well as the city.


    Any and all transfers of interment rights are subject to all regulations of the cemetery in full force and effect or which may be enacted.


    Before transfer of interment rights, the original owner must reconvey such interment rights to the city. The city shall then issue a warranty of conveyance to the new owner. The same rules shall apply in all cases of assignment of purchase contract for interment rights. This information shall then be duly recorded in a permanent cemetery file.


    The city may exchange interment rights when desired by owners, but not for interment rights of lesser value. When such an exchange is made, the original conveyance must be surrendered by proper assignment, or by conveyance if considered necessary, plus a fee of $5.00 shall be paid before any change is effected.


    The subdivision of interment rights shall not be effective without prior consent of the city manager.


    The city may refuse to consent to a transfer or to an assignment as long as there is any indebtedness due the city in connection with the lot, grave memorial, lot care or right of transfer in question.

(Code 1988, § 7-39; Ord. No. 04-02, 2-12-04)