§ 22-157. Conditions of issuance itinerant automotive sale permits.  

Latest version.
  • Unless expressly excepted by the city commission, all itinerant automotive sale permits which may be granted are granted subject to, and the permittee must maintain compliance with, the following conditions:


    The city may revoke or suspend an itinerant automotive sales permit in emergency situations, to prevent a public nuisance or for safety considerations. The issuance of a hurricane or high wind hazard by the weather bureau or the city shall constitute an emergency situation.


    The permittee shall assure that the itinerant automotive sale in no way interferes with public rights-of-way.


    The area covered by the itinerant automotive sales permit shall be maintained in a neat, clean and orderly appearance at all times by the permittee, and the area shall be cleared of all debris as needed during the day, and again at the close of each business day. Items that are sensitive to windy conditions must be sufficiently weighted to prevent movement, and the city may require removal of these items on windy days to prevent injury or litter.


    The permittee shall conspicuously post the itinerant automotive sales permit and any other applicable permits at all times at the location where the activity is permitted.


    Only the structures and equipment specifically disclosed on the approved application and not otherwise prohibited shall be allowed within the permitted area.


    The permittee shall not operate under the itinerant automotive sales permit in such a manner so as to create a public nuisance or to constitute any hazard to the public health, safety or welfare or to damage or destroy public property.


    Any damage to the public sidewalk or public fixtures within the public ways, including, but not limited to, chipped or cracked concrete, painted concrete, bent signs, etcetera, resulting from operation of the restaurant shall be the responsibility of the permittee and said permittee shall be liable to city for all cost of repair.


    The permittee in conducting the itinerant automotive sale, shall not violate any provision of this Code, any local, state, federal law or any regulations of the county health department or other applicable regulatory agency, or the conditions imposed on the issuance of an itinerant automotive sales permit, if any.


    The permittee shall not utilize within the permitted area any bell, siren, horn, loudspeaker, flashing lights or any similar device to attract the attention of customers.


    The permittee, in conducting the itinerant automotive sale, shall not fail to comply with the requirements of this article, the terms under which the itinerant automotive sales permit is issued, or an order of or a citation issued by a code enforcement officer.

(Ord. No. 04-73, § 2, 11-11-04)