§ 22-30. Solicitor permit.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In addition to the business tax receipts required by section 66-104, every agent, peddler, and solicitor, as defined in section 22-26, shall obtain from the city a written solicitor permit authorizing such person to conduct business within the city.


    Any person desiring to secure a solicitor permit required by this section shall first make written application to the city on forms provided by the city, and such application shall state at least the following:


    The name and current address of the applicant.


    The name and address of the person by whom such applicant is employed or who such applicant represents.


    The length of time the applicant has been so employed.


    The place of residence and nature of employment of the applicant during the preceding year.


    The nature and character of the goods, wares, merchandise or services to be offered by the applicant.


    The personal description of the applicant.


    Such application shall be also accompanied by credentials and other personal references and identification as may be reasonably required by the city commission, including, but not limited to, copies of a valid driver's license for the applicant or other similar form of photographic identification.


    If, upon an investigation reasonably made, the city ascertains and determines that the applicant for a permit required by this section has submitted a complete, correct and signed application and proposes to engage in a lawful, commercial or professional enterprise, the city shall issue the permit. Such permit shall be carried at all times by the person to whom such permit is issued when soliciting or peddling within the city and shall be exhibited by any such person whenever requested by any police officer or any person solicited.

(Ord. No. 09-25, § 2, 9-21-09)